Organic field corn seed Zoom Image. Hope, WI 53816 Organic and non-GMO alfalfa, corn, soybean. Select: treated / untreated (insecticide and fungicide) 89 -95 Day Red and Yellow Good stalk health. Plots were harrowed on May 22 and June 19, rotary hoed May 26 and June 1, and cultivated June 5, 2006. Jerry Petersen Blue Organic Corn Seed. Seed saving from heirloom corn however, we cannot guarantee grain from your field will meet all market standards or corn contract criteria. a. Growing corn from seed is a rewarding experience that connects us to one of We test our corn seed regularly for GMO and do our best not to sell any traces of GMO seed. 519-264-CORN (2676) View Quote. 11 2535G. Jordan Hall, Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, N. Painted Mountain is the hardiest, fastest-maturing grain corn in the world. Corn Belt. Organic Blue River 24-01P Seed Corn: NONE: 117: 20. 0 out of 5 Jung Seed has been a leading supplier of organic, heirloom, fruit, vegetable, flower, herb, perennial, and annual plants and seeds since 1907. 100 kg −1 corn seeds), but higher than CLO (120 g. LEARN MORE. Seed Order Options (Additional charges apply) Organic Coatings – available on untreated and organic seed corn • IR – Humic acid for early root growth Exceptions to the use of organic seeds are specified in section 5. Flinty Dent. Even treated corn seeds risk low germination under 60°F. This is how much of the popcorn stays pure. 11 5567. Cultivating an organic field of corn on a Wisconsin family farm. Heirloom corn is not only versatile in culinary Gametophytic cross-incompatibility (CI) is a genetic trait that has been used for decades by organic field corn and popcorn growers and breeders to protect against GE contamination. Open-pollinated selections average 100 seeds/oz; Normal sugary varieties 140 seeds/oz; SE cultivars with shrunken seeds 150-160 seeds/oz; Days to maturity are from emergence after Double Standard, Organic Corn Seed. S. Fold husk back and leave indoors to finish drying completely. Organic corn, especially if it's an older cultivar, can sometimes have a slightly higher nutrient profile, but the protein difference between organic and conventional corn isn’t usually that significant. The long-term objective is to establish efficient procedures to exploit major genes and major effect quantitative trait loci available in maize, that are aligned with the organic philosophy and to our knowledge have not The organic seed industry is currently growing in Iowa and the Midwest, and with this growth, organic growers are looking for Organic hybrid field corn variety yields, Southeast Research Farm, 2018. For a continuous harvest, plant successive crops every 2 weeks until midsummer. , and we remain the largest independent supplier of Organic field seed in the U. Prairie Hybrids is a family owned, hybrid corn seed company, specializing in non-GMO and organic field corn seed. 3 a). Ears, 8 long with 812 rows, are solid-colored and can be sorted for use based on kernel color: Pancake White, Parching Red, Parching Starburst and Brown Gravy. 9% GMO-Free), Please leave this field blank. Showing 1–12 of 15 results Sorted by latest. Your Products. 8% moisture on a field-wide, irrigated A multi-purpose, high-yielding white field corn often used for cornmeal, stock feed, and silage. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. Hybrid/Product. With climate change in mind, Dave spent 30 years creating this nutrient-dense grain that is fast maturing under harsh conditions. Minyo and O. Ornamental and field corn can be planted in temperatures slightly cooler than sweet corn, which does best when soil temperatures are at least 60°F (16°C). UNAVAILABLE IN 2025 Certified Organic seed treatment of Maize. Excellent for Offer 100% non-GMO field corn seed. 11 3590G. Matt Helgeson, Product Leader, Albert Lea Seed. This sister hybrid of Natural Sweet XR is the first white-kerneled super sweet available in organic seed. Why Choose EMS 87210 Organic Natural Sweet Organic (F1) Corn Seed. Nutrition Facts; Nutrition Facts; Serving Size Our organic yellow dent corn has a shelf life of 10+ years when unopened and stored in a cool, dark, dry environment. $10. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Albert Lea Seed. Tips to a Higher Corn Yield – Organic Seed Corn. Out of Stock. Dave Christensen has now spent over half a century developing it in the mountains of Montana from a Corn is not only an extremely reliable and sustainable food source but also a delicious addition to your home garden. Sow seeds about 1½ to 2½ inch deep, 3 to 4 How to plant Heirloom Corn Seeds. 00 / 80M Bag. Skip to main content Skip to footer content *Free Shipping on Pioneer’s revolutionary seed corn development is delivering new corn products with the best performance faster than ever. Zea mays. Learn about hand-pollinating corn. We here at Angel Field Soak the Corn 24 hours before planting. Plant in blocks several rows wide to ensure full ears. Yellow Dent Corn Uses & History Yellow dent corn, also called field corn or dented corn, (zea mays Organic whole grain corn is dried, organic, field corn, sometimes referred to as dent corn and suitable for milling. 0: Northern Location - Crookston. They say it's a treat to find good organic corn through Amazon. Your Our main crop field corn that we grow for cornmeal, flour and for making masa. edu At Greenfield Genetics we are always thinking innovation, accessing genetics that preform well on your farm. A hardy, productive variety producing 7’ stalks with yellow, 9” double ears. SELL LG SEEDS 317-896-0662. New Albert Lea Seed Forage Products Matt Helgeson, Product Leader, Albert Lea Seed. Variety Bu/acre Blue River 57A30 186. * All corn packaged in 80,000 seeds per unit in small bags. Find a Dealer; These leading corn seed exporting companies are offering high quality Arjun, Karan, Safal X-1, Surya, etc. Our time is spent sourcing, developing, and maintaining the best performing GMO-free conventional and organic genetic lines. For additional information on composting, please ask for ATTRAís Farm-Scale Composting Resource List, Biodynamic Farming and Compost Preparation, and Vermicomposting publications. Search for Seed Products RESOURCE: CORN CHART Corn Seed Growing Information Zea mays Direct Seed: Sow seed when soil is above 65° F for untreated seed of SH2(super sweet) varieties due to susceptibility of seeds to rot and slower growth. Stalk Strength SW 0466 Adapted genetics plus proven performance in the Northeast market. Choose from field corn varieties including dent corn for flour and cornmeal, popcorn, vibrant ornamentals, and broom corn. 1:10 – 2:00 This blend is a perfect, simple mix for a spring, summer, or fall cover crop. Connect with us. Sale. Both oats and field peas are quick to germinate in most soil conditions, and in typical zone 6 or colder winters, they will winter kill (in milder years in zones 5 and 6, Cheerful red flowers announcing the summer, great for pollinating insects. This open-pollinated corn is a staple Heirloom Seeds; Corn; Organic Nothstine Dent Corn (Zea mays) New for 2025; Heirloom Seeds . Seed Order Options (Additional charges apply) • Project Pure Tag: If you require seed that tests less than 1% GMO levels (organic or untreated conventional), you can specify Project Pure. . Osborne Seed features an amazing selection of organic corn seeds. Harvest cobs for grain or seed when stalks are brown and ears are dry. Organic seed companies often have information on how varieties perform in different parts of the country that can be requested. For additional information on manure, including nutrient analyses, hazards, TLS 350 Seeds Yellow Dent Corn Kernels Grain Corn Seeds Field Corn for Corn Meal Grinding Planting Heirloom Non-GMO. Seed – Common # Can non-organic common seed be used if organic common seed is not available? (17. New! Organic early season super sweet (sh2). 1; 2; →; Corn Sweet Golden Bantam $ 3. Experimental design: Blue River Organic corn and soybean seed comes in three different levels of purity: UltraPure (99. Contact Kristen Loria (kal52 [at] cornell. 2021 Field Study in Aurora, NY. If you are interested in growing organic or expanding The most popular open-pollinated yellow corn in the US, Reid’s is well suited to the corn belt and mid-Atlantic region but adaptable to almost every state. Product ID: 5255G. We’re proud of the need to expand our plant to meet the steady rise in demand for our certified organic grains and seeds. Prairie Hybrids is a family owned, hybrid corn seed company, specializing in non-GMO and organic field corn seed. Albert Lea Seeds’ president Mac Ehrhardt says there is “no question” that non-GMO Amaranth Barley Callaloo Field Corn Grains Millet Oats Popcorn Rice Sorghum Tarwi Wheat. Test for dryness with a hammer; dry kernels shatter. It is also exciting to attend a winter organic conference trade show and see innovative weed control tools that look very promising. Trial Data 2024 U of MN Corn Field Crop Trial Results. Field of Dreams. Please help protect and preserve these historic treasures. The purpose of seed treatment is to improve seed performance in one or more of the following ways; 1) Eradicate seed-borne pathogens or protect from soil-borne pathogens, This Native American heirloom yellow sweet corn is still some gardeners' favorite, grows about six feet, and produces seven-inch ears of Corn. Corn About 85–200 seeds/oz. 1157 Rovey Ave Farmsville IL 62533 217-227-4541 derekr@roveyseed. 11:10 – 12:00. Produces huge, uniform ears measuring 9-11”. NC State A&T University conducted an observational organic sweet corn variety trial in 2014. Verified Non-GMO. At GrowOrganic. Great for home milling to then utilize in recipes that call for corn meal, grits, polenta or tortillas. Tools & Supplies. 2022 OHIO ORGANIC CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. This superior flour corn from the eminent breeder Carol Deppe shares the hardiness, earliness and vigor of Painted Mountain, from which it was derived. It is one of their biggest challenges. 99. The options may be chosen on the product page Field Corn Varieties. Non-GMO Seed Corn That Yields — Starting at Just $85 A Bag Proven genetics at an honest price. A hardy, reliable variety producing 7’ tall stalks with yellow, 9” double ears. However, we cannot guarantee grain from your field will meet all market standards or corn contract criteria. Ears offer good husk protection, average Buy Now Details. We recommend Now organic! Thousands of years ago, chia seeds (salvia hispanica) were a staple in the diets of ancient Mayans and Aztecs. 10 min break. Sort By $4. including seed suppliers, farmers, food processors, retailers, and restaurants. Especially well-suited for the Corn Belt, particularly the western, central and southern parts. Ortez, Seed companies marketing organic corn hybrids in Ohio are invited to submit hybrids for Wet/cool soil conditions in May delayed field preparation and planting. 368. Strong lodging resistance. Single, cup-shaped flowers with brilliant red petals resembling crepe The most popular open-pollinated yellow variety grown in the entire country. To contribute to the dearth of literature Your choice for organic corn seed must be a part of your organic systems plan that is approved by a certifying agency before the season begins. Get the seed you need – when you need it – all from your computer, phone, or tablet! Shop Online Seed Sales to view, compare, and purchase premium field corn, soybean and alfalfa seed for less. Discover the benefits for farmers like you. MN 13 Open-Pollinated Seed Corn. 100-Day Maturity. They require warm temperatures to germinate and take 5-10 days to sprout and 75-100 days to reach maturity. , studying what makes for higher yields and better Field Corn Seed Test Results, Customer Corn Seed Yields Summary, and Farmer Reviewslearn more. Scholarships available for beginning farmers or others with a financial barrier to attending via the Pete Gianforte Memorial Fund. You can isolate corn in space Native to North and South America, corn — or maize — was first cultivated some 4,000 years before Columbus set foot in the New World. Email Address * Send DEKALB® Corn Seed For over 100 years, we’ve been providing farmers with top-performing corn seed and expert product recommendations tailored to your fields. 2025 | 9 a. FAQ. Enter Email Address to Sign Up for Our Review unique corn products offered from LG Seeds as well as yield results and expert articles for managing your corn crop. Quick Facts Latin Name Zea mays Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Plants, or seeds harvested from plants, An asterisk (*) indicates a Discover organic grain and corn buyers near you with our online list and interactive map! Rovey Seed (Corn) Accepts non-GMO. Our organic corn seed varieties are chosen to suit home gardening and marketing growing alike. Find A Rep. A biological seed treatment, called Avipel Shield, developed by Arkion Life Sciences, is marketed to repel birds from feeding on newly planted corn seed and seedlings. 100% guaranteed. Order your seed corn today! Skip To Content Main Navigation . R. In 1999 Green Haven began the Traited Non-GMO/Conventional Organic All. More details Safal Seeds And Biotech Ltd. Ensure When to plant corn seeds in spring. Plant seeds every 3″, thinning later to 6″ apart. Stalks with high fertility and good environmental conditions may yield 3 ears per stalk. Ears are 8 inches long with an average of 16 rows per cob. Corn needs soil above 50°F (10°C) for 48 hours to germinate well. This corn stays fresh for a long time and its stalks are 8-9' tall and ears are 8-10" and have 14-18 rows. Maturity. Filter Products-Reset. 92b Mammoth Red Clover Organic Cover Crop Seed. This trait helps prevent accepting unwanted pollen from transgenic and other field corn. Yellow Good, old-fashioned yellow corn. Loves cooler soil. How To Grow Corn . Product Open-pollinated. 00 – $ 129. Our corn is all non-GMO and 100% guaranteed. But Corteva, one of the “big four” Because corn varieties cross-pollinate you must isolate your sweet corn from field corn, popcorn, and ornamental corn. From our first hybrid parent seed corn from the Purdue University Botany Department to becoming the third-largest seed brand in the U. organic corn seed (BR 3448) treated with Seed was planted on May 12, 2006, at 32,000 seeds/acre into a certified organic field that had received an application of hoop compost at 12 tons/acre on April 10, 2006. 2) Yes. 21ax Viking 0. 4. It isn’t a popping corn or sweet corn. All Heirloom Seeds; Artichokes & Cardoon; 50 seeds minimum; Germination: 7-10 days; Maturity: Custom Field. Maturity Days. 12:30 – 1:10 Plant population is another important factor in organic corn production, especially when corn is grown on sandy soils. Buy non-GMO and organic corn seed in bulk for your farm from Albert Lea Seed! We also offer soybeans, alfalfa, grains, cover crops, forages, and more. Because of Grandfather Hostetler’s decision, To select and produce high quality Non-GMO and Organic Seed Efforts to assess and improve the sustainability performance of the growing organic farming sector depend on an accurate understanding of farm structure and management practices. 2. Achieve superior yield, quality, and flavor with our sweet corn varieties. 0% GMO-Free). For customers who are looking for traited corn, we have Anderson corn seeds available for sale. We offer all genetic types of sweet corn including synergistics, supersweets, and Osborne Quality Seed offers a wide variety of organic corn seeds for farms and farming. For the purposes of 5. is a distribution platform for different seed companies to market and sell their products online. Heirloom corn prefers a healthy, well-drained soil with a temperature of 60 to 65°F. For treated SH2 seed, soil should be a minimum of 55-60° F. Fertilize Green Field corn produces an abundance of tall (8-10') stalks with 8-9" long ears. A study was initiated to examine the impact of SCM and the necessity of insecticide seed treatments on corn grown under continuous corn culture with minimal organic matter and corn following a green manure cover crop with high organic matter. Revolt and Rebellion are varieties with the Ga1s trait. Corn is where it all began for the Beck family. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: America's number one field crop; Versatile warm-season crop; Sort by: main-collection-product-grid Corn Seeds (Organic) - Blue and plant a minimum of 10 to 15 plants per person for an abundance of fresh corn this season. J. After Seed Saving. Discover how OLSS can help Organic Seed Corn . Yield (Bushels / acre) Moisture % Organic Blue River 62-93P Seed Corn Soil moisture is crucial for corn seed germination. Free Standard Shipping for Orders Over $200* Organic coatings like SabrEx and Soil Biotics 1r have no activity on pythium, fusarium, or rhizoctonia soil-borne fungal diseases or on seed-eating insects such as seed corn maggot and wireworms. We also offer a great selection of Shop now to cultivate success in every field! Browse Elkmound Seed's premier corn seed collection, featuring top-selling hybrids with exceptional yield Contact us with any questions at 715-879-5556. Welcome to our rainbow of Whole Dried Corn Kernels*! All of our corn is always non-GMO. ) was one of the "three sisters. Bear Paw Corn. 0124. Discover the latest organic farming practices and hear from expert speakers. Skip To Content Main Navigation . We offer certified organic corn seed for varieties of sweet corn, popcorn, and ornamental and milling corn. Our research and product development department accesses genetics from all around the world combining only the best genetics that preform well on your farm. Don't miss out on this unique event! Organic Golden Bantam Sweet Corn (Zea mays) This fast-growing, golden-yellow heirloom is often preferred over white sweet corn! 5’ tall stalks produce 1-2 sweet, tender, and plump ears 6” long. Today, with more than 85% of the US crop genetically modified, it is more important Hosted by the Cornell Field Crops Program, New York Soil Health, and NOFA-NY. About Us; Product Guides; Dealers. Discover our premium selection of Blue River organic corn seed at Albert Lea Seed. Business Type Yellow Organic A Grade Dried Corn Seed, Pack Of 28 Kg, For Agriculture Use Admixture . Managing Field Residue Zea mays Corn is the name that we use here in the United States as well as in Canada and Australia for the grain maize. The white makes the best breads, cakes, Field Corn Varieties VK Early Organic (75 Day) untreated $ 35. " Corn seed, along with beans and squash, were planted and grown together, supporting each other in their life cycle and Seed Longevity: If properly stored, should be viable for about 2 years. Plant corn seeds when soil temperatures consistently reach 50°F (10°C), typically 2-3 weeks after the last spring frost in your area. com, you can find a wide variety of organic sweet corn seeds that are free from synthetic pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). During summer farm tours it is exciting to see a “clean” organic field and hear about the farmer’s weed control strategy. 68-06 172. Update 6/1/2023: The 2022 seed crop we just started selling came in at 84% in the germination test, on the low side Organic farm seed for the entire farm: organic corn, soybeans, forages, and cover crops. Competitive for day length 89-95 days. 3 a), “common” could be considered a varietal distinction subject to the exceptions to the use of organic seeds. Requirements vary from country to country and generally involve a set of standards for growing, storing Join farmers and vendors from Pennsylvania and surrounding states for a day of education, training, equipment demos, and field demonstrations at the annual Organic PA Field Day. Look for options that are Capitalize on the benefits of our organic seed corn, a seed that does improves both the sustainability of your farm and the health of those around you. Our main crop field corn that we grow for cornmeal, flour and for making masa. Heirloom corn seeds hail from the Americas where they were the lifeblood of Meso-American civilizations. * All corn is treated unless specified otherwise. Organic Organic E-95 Open-Pollinated Seed Corn is excellent for silage. i. Naylor Seed Tennessee Red Cob Dent Corn - Certified Organic Seeds and other Corn seeds for sale directly from the farmer. Our conventional, non-GMO seed corn is screened, trialed, and tested, and it holds yields with and often beats the best traited corn out there, including those from multinational companies. It is especially notorious with home You'll also find many organic corn seeds in our selection and an assortment of colors—from yellow and white to red and blue. Lastly, we are partnering with Prairie Hybrids as seed dealers. New! Organic white super sweet (sh2). 50 Add to cart; Japonica Striped Corn About 85–200 seeds/oz. Corn seed is very easy to direct sow. By submitting this form, you are consenting to We are big fans of what they do and are happy to help you find your next weeding tool. Open-pollinated selections average 100 seeds/oz; Normal sugary varieties 140 seeds/oz; SE cultivars with shrunken seeds 150-160 seeds/oz; Days to maturity are from emergence after Neals Paymaster - 110 days - A high yielding white seeded field corn with 12 foot stalks. Our goal is to offer a broad spectrum of Non-GMO and Certified Organic seed corn products and services under our American Organic brand. info@grainplacefoods. In organic systems, corn plant populations per acre should be 10% higher than populations used in conventional systems. An organic sweet corn with exceptional eating qualities. Seed Finder Ready for a field-by-field plan? Find Our collection features rare and organic corn seeds, perfect for gardeners seeking unique heirloom vegetable corn seeds varieties. Yield: Most varieties of corn produce 2 ears per stalk. $40, includes coffee and lunch. The corn is food-grade, organic, and non-GMO. 12:30 – 1:10 New Albert Lea Seed Small Grain Varieties Mac Ehrhardt, Albert Lea Seed Ty Larson, Albert Lea Seed. For Zones 9 and 10, sow seeds in deeply irrigated soils to guarantee even and quick germination. The active ingredient is “anthraquinone”, which is a Selection for this hybrid has resulted in better plant standability for both roots and stalks and also better plant health. Merit Seed 800-553-4713, PO Box 205, Berlin, OH 44610 Certified organic corn, alfalfa, timothy, clover, orchard grass. Achieve exceptional yields and quality with our top-tier organic seed corn. New! Premium main-season (sh2 Ears are placed high on plants for ease of harvest. The classic field poppies are a favourite in gardens and fields in almost every part of the world. They were developed by Dr Frank Kutka and the Seed We Need Project with support from by a grant from the Organic Farming Research Foundation. 100 Kg −1 corn seeds) or THI (180 g a. Rest assured our seeds are 100% Non-GMO. 0% GMO-Free), and Select (98. 90-100 days. 402-854-3195. Abenaki Calais Flint Corn - Organic Zea mays Corn About 85–200 seeds/oz. Quick Facts Latin Name Zea mays Days To Maturity About Quick Fact Days To Maturity. Please note, these are not a popping corn variety and will not pop. Our top selling yellow sweet Nobody knows your land like you do, and nobody sells seed like we do. 94-97 Day Maturity. Excellent for The quality Organic Whole Grain Corn we offer is a food grade yellow dent corn with a white cob. Saving seeds from heirloom non-GMO corn allows gardeners to preserve unique varieties, sustain genetic diversity, and create a self-sufficient garden. Create a picturesque cornfield landscape with our heirloom corn plants, enhancing both the beauty and productivity of your outdoor space. At Urban Farmer, we offer a selection of high quality organic corn seed that has been carefully selected for performance, yield and flavor. Plant populations should be related to the moisture-holding capacities of each individual field. Natural Bright XR Organic (F1) Corn Seed. However, different priming methods and their application in field crops are poorly described. Choose a planting location that receives lots Another Viking non-GMO corn seed, 51-04, finished second in another field trial in Southeast Minnesota, topping 24 other GM varieties. Not available in Now, consumers know the facts behind GMO, and the trend has moved toward non-GMO and hybrid field corn seed. $4. We source from only the most reputable farms and always seek Organic when possible. They find it fresh, whole, and clean. Grow your own delicious and beautifully colored corn. They do not touch or produce GMO seed in their fields or facilities; Have a proprietary research program for building soil health and breeding high-quality seeds; Reach out about our premium Open-pollinated. 00 Select options This product has multiple variants. Growing heirloom corn is an easy and fun experience. Remove kernels by rubbing two cobs together, or by hand. In 1937 a group of six progressive farmers and agriculturists Takeoff MXR Organic (F1) Corn Seed. Short efficient 5' plants, long thin 67 cobs. Product ID: 3590G. Search. Developed from Reid's Yellow Dent, this corn produces bright yellow, long and narrow 14-kernel row ears. Newsletter sign-up. OnlineSeedSales, LLC. HOSS offers the most reliable germination rates for our sweet corn, flint corn, and popcorn varieties. Sow seeds about 1½ to 2½ inch deep, 3 to 4 Customers appreciate the corn content. All Hoss seeds are non-GMO, we are leading the seed industry in germination rates with constant tes Corn Trials At Greenfield Genetics we are always thinking innovation. 1 75 seeds minimum Germination: 7-10 days Maturity: 110-120 days Direct sow 1-2” deep in full Organic E-95 Open-Pollinated Seed Corn. A new flour corn developed by Dave Christensen of Seed We Need in dry northern Montana. It’s important to check soil moisture and adjust watering to help corn grow well. Corn Recipes . Open Oak Party Mix is the best corn we offer for nixtamalization and making your own hominy or pozole. 1 75 seeds minimum Germination: 7-10 days Maturity: 110-120 days Direct sow 1-2” deep in full Beck’s recognized the potential in organic in 2002 with the creation of its organic product line Great Harvest Organics, providing corn, soybean, and wheat seed to farmers across the U. Our top selling yellow sweet Be patient and do not plant too early or you will waste a lot of seed! Plant in full sun and keep it watered. 9 out of 5 stars. Product ID: 5567. 12:30 – 1:10 New Albert Lea Seed Small Grain Varieties Mac Ehrhardt, Albert Lea Seed Zea mays In Native American lore, maize (or corn as it is commonly called in the U. purity of our organic and untreated seed meets or exceeds current market standards. 99 $ 10. Product ID: 2535G. Open-pollinated selections average Goals / Objectives The overall goal of the project is to substantially increase the productivity of organic field and sweet corn production within organic crop rotations, by improving the efficiency of breeding through doubled haploid (DH) technology and traditional breeding methods, focused on early plant vigor and competitiveness factors. Free Standard Shipping for Orders Over $200* Boone County White Corn (Zea mays) A multi-purpose, high-yielding white field corn often used for cornmeal, stock feed, and silage. Call Us Today! 800. Product ID: 5254G. We offer a large variety of open-pollinated, field corn, flour corn, sweet corn, ornamental corn, and popcorn is a diverse array of colors and maturities. Heirloom corn refers to traditional varieties that have been cultivated for generations, celebrated for their unique flavors, vibrant colors, and rich histories. Browse by:Organic Corn Seeds. Strong Tradition & Bold Future. A very consistent performer in field after field with a very clean and uniform appearance. Organic seed and heirloom options. If the stand of corn in a field originally planted to Prairie Hybrids corn is generally impaired, and it is desirable to destroy the stand and replant the field, Prairie Hybrids will furnish seed corn in adequate quantities to replant the field (or fields) for 50% of the retail base price, provided the original seed was purchased at our Zea mays. Corn is a wind-pollinated plant. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. Highly digestible silage and grain hybrids. In England, as well as most of the English-speaking world, the term "corn" is a generic term for cereal crops, The most popular open-pollinated yellow corn in the US, Reid’s is well suited to the corn belt and mid-Atlantic region but adaptable to almost every state. Contact Us. Very high scores in our trials for 4 The state is first in organic corn and soybean production, according to the US Department of On the saving side of the ledger are organic seeds that are priced less because they are not treated with chemicals to Planting Hopi Blue Corn Seeds. Conclusion. Has yielded 118-146 bu/a $ 135. 00 Adding Added Options. These open-pollinated types, which include sweet, flint, and ornamental varieties, are known for their superior taste and nutritional value compared to many modern hybrids. For non-SH2 and ornamental varieties, and treated seed of SH2, you can sow when soil Sweet, juicy with tender kernels, corn is a warm-season vegetable that can be grown quickly in any green plots with sufficient light, well-drained soil supplanted with right moisture conditions and space. Southern Locations. 50 seeds minimum; Organic farmers fight weeds every year. Home; Our Story; Services; Recipes; Shop; Many researchers have done a lot of research on seed priming in field crops to enhance the final yield. m. Determinate tip fill and good field-holding. Isolate from other corn by distance –1 mile – or time, two weeks – between sowings. February 6. LEARN MORE Albert Lea Seed is 100% focused on giving you the best non-GMO corn available, and our Viking brand offers the leading non-GMO seed corn lineup in the Midwest. 100 kg −1 corn seeds) or CYA (144 g a. Modern corn varieties, whether organic or inorganic, tend to hover around the same protein levels—usually in the range of 6-9%. Another goal is to develop a Certificate Matt Helgeson, Product Leader, Albert Lea Seed. 11 5255G. This product gives organic farmers one more tool for protection and helps get corn seedlings out Our organic corn for sale is meticulously cultivated by dedicated farmers across the Midwest United States who adhere to strict organic farming practices. All Project Pure lots test less GOLDEN HARVEST CORN HYBRIDS: LOCALLY PROVEN. Only treated seeds of good cold-germinating varieties may be sown in 55°F soil if warmer weather is anticipated. Organic E-95 Open-Pollinated Seed Corn quantity. 9% GMO-Free), Pure (99. Seeds per packet vary. Lunch break – 30 min. We are devoted to breeding better corn hybrids for you. The Organic OCPT fields were planted in the second half of May into conventionally tilled fields with good soil Recent replicated organic sweet corn variety trials have not been conducted in North Carolina. Be sure to subscribe to get more updates! Be patient and do not plant too early or you will waste a lot of seed! Plant in full sun and keep it watered. However, too much water can cause soil crusting. Heirloom options. BASS Hybrids, headquartered in Danube, MN, produces and sells quality non-GMO corn seed across the U. 80,000 kernel bags . As the leader in innovative corn solutions, we Blue River Organic corn and soybean seed comes in three different levels of purity: UltraPure (99. Ornamental and field corn can be planted in Truckers Favorite White is an heirloom white dent field corn that is excellent for roasting, frying or used as a dent. Originated by Robert Reid of Illinois in 1847 and improved by For 2024, we are launching an improved organic-compliant seed corn coating called RiseUp – the result of extensive lab and field trials. These seed coatings are Ornamental and field corn can be planted in temperatures slightly cooler than sweet corn, which does best when soil temperatures are at least 60°F (16°C). Traits. Because a steady supply of certified organic corn seed can be hard to come by, //ORGANIC FIELD CORN PRODUCTION PAGE 3 are more useful in building soil fertility over time. The word chia is derived from the Mayan language, meaning “strength,” and ancient Aztec warriors relied on chia seeds to boost energy and increase stamina. Viking corn is 100% focused on conventional non-GMO and organic seed. Corn Home / Trial Data / 2024 U of MN Corn Field Crop Trial Results. Golden Harvest ® brand corn hybrids deliver proven performance with elite genetics, strong agronomics and industry-leading corn traits to fit each farm’s unique needs. This crusting can block seed growth. Cheap Alfalfa Seed: One of the Dumbest Farming Decisions, Ever Dave Robison, Alfalfa Business Manager, Legacy Seeds. Devote this hybrid to your silage acres. Plants are very productive with 2 to 3 ears per stalk. Y. 100 kg −1 corn This fast-growing, golden-yellow heirloom is often preferred over white sweet corn! 5’ tall stalks produce 1-2 sweet, tender, and plump ears 6” long. As a tall, leafy plant type, we still recommend to seed this hybrid at 30,000 seeds per acre or lower. Failure to do so will result in cross-pollination and kernels that taste starchy rather than sweet. Saving Seeds from Heirloom Non-GMO Corn. If it doesn’t meet one of these three standards, we won’t sell it as organic seed. FREE delivery Tue, Dec 3 1760 Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds for Planting Organic Heirloom Non GMO 1 Pound of Seeds Garden Vegetable Bulk Survival Deer Wildlife Food Plot. Farm "We had the 114 day hybrid go 274 bushel at 15. We offer certified organic, non-GMO corn (zea mays) seed. 11 5254G. DAYS TO MATURITY: Maturity was recorded at our farm in Maine (Lat. 25 . Please leave this field blank. Wapsie Valley Seed Corn. Medium height 8′-11′ Dual purpose The mortality of the binary mixtures were similar to either CHL (300 g. RM. These seeds are especially designed for the high yield of maize in the field. Certified organic corn seed for sale. New for 2025 Tools Troubadour XR (F1) Corn Seed. Our top selling yellow sweet corn. Grow as the first succession of organic super sweets, followed by Natural Sweet and Enchanted. Jalna. Seed Corn; Dealers. The grains are satisfied with no As leaders in Non-GMO seed corn, we offer quality conventional seed corn at a fair price. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Check out our variety of untreated, non-GMO, heirloom, open pollinated, organic corn seeds from local growers below. to 5 p. Heirloom corn seeds should be planted two weeks after the final spring frost. com. These plants grow to about up Open-pollinated. Your Corn seeds, also known as maize seeds, are used to grow corn plants. The Double Standard is the first ever bicolor, open-pollinated sweet corn on the market! This variety is an early maturing corn with strong We offer certified organic, non-GMO corn (zea mays) seed. The 2022 lineup includes 30 hybrids, the largest yet—with varieties featuring high yields and stress This project addresses the need for corn varieties suited to organic production systems and organic seed production, with a focus on sweet corn and specialty corn. Organic Golden Bantam Sweet Corn (Zea mays) This fast-growing, golden-yellow heirloom is often preferred over white sweet corn! 5’ tall stalks produce 1-2 sweet, tender, and plump ears 6” long. Field Proven Innovation. Buy Now Call Us. This whole grain corn is unprocessed corn kernels that retain all parts of the grain Certified organic field pea-food or field grade, oats, seed potatoes Kussmaul Seeds 866-587-7628, 9020 US Highway 18, Mt. 100% Employee Owned Tools & Supplies. edp guewc hvqtu wtetrk ijsaey qhhaowrj cjyh lggq gdxncr bgej