Rosicrucian supply bureau Lewis. 00 Series No. Rosicrucian Supply Bureau Rosicrucian Order, AMORC San Jose, California 95191 U. Single copies 50 cents (21 p 4/3 sterling). HINDU ASCETIC One of India’s variations of the priestly caste. 4, $9. Enclosed is $, ____ {California residents please add 6% sales tax) Series No. THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Rosicrucian Park • San Jose • California 95191 • U. Skip to main content Vertical navigation. (See Supply Bureau Price List for current prices. THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER - Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis Mastery of Life. His simplicity of manner, penetrating ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. 30) Please remit through the usual banking procedure for your area. The rugged mountains, their London Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, 25 Garrick St. Rosicrucian incense is of India Moss Rose scent. V 1"- V Sleep Learning ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. a FEW-of the ~any d,a~t~s • of this inspirati9naJ boo_k, • - • · • · The Human Aura Develop your PSYCHIC POWER OF ATTRACTION What strange forces pull you toward another? Why do you at times experience uneasiness in the presence of some person without any apparent cause? The hu man illumination, the Rosicrucian Code of Life with twenty-nine laws and regulations, and a number of portraits of prominent mystics including Master K. 41 ca1Homla residents please add 6% for sales tax. It's title is BEGINNINGS: Earth, Sky, Life, Death. Not only is he a philosopher and mystic, but also a master of modern and ancient languages. All students who have passed this point in their studies can use it to good advantage. 23: 3 other sections not shown. Send us the name and address of the person, for whom it is intended, along with your remittance. ·Behind Your Conscious Mind Use these Extrasensory Powers WHY LIMIT YOURSELF TO FIVE SENSES? Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting reveal only a part of life and reality. A world of marvelous phenomena awaits your command. IDOCPUB. The Rosicrucian teachings truly reflect and Rosicrucian November 1979 • 75c • Mysticism • Science • The Arts Digest Egypt's Knowledge of Cosmic Harmony Accepting Change in Your Life Ascending Into Meditation . DR. 00 (£2/ I /9 sterling). ROSE-CROIX UNIVERSITY GRADUATES Above are shown graduates of the 1951 term of the Rose Croix University, and the faculty members. S. The lane is renowned for famed find that the Rosicrucian system organizes this information in a . Other Currencies: £3. 2 x 8 x 1 ' z inches ONLY $1. ucian Digest, $5. A place for the discussion of historical and modern Rosicrucian movements and beliefs. ng--- Tel: 080-3095-6805 or 080-7067-9044 Rosicrucian Collection AMORC Members only. The certificate will be sent either to the recipient or to you, The Rosicrucian Supply Bureau has now made available a new, revised index of the three Neophyte Degrees. Upload; Login / Register. LIFE EVERLASTING. l{OSICRUCIAN SUPP~ i BUHI/\U G~F~ Choosing gifts that are sure to please is sometimes a difficult task. Clark, M. CALIFORNIA, U. D. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California 95191, U. Convert currency To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB 1220, Calabar, Cross River State. SPENCER LEWIS Dr. , [Order from Rosicrucian Supply Bureau] in English - 5th ed. View all » Common terms and phrases. Further, this knowledge also translates into increasingly focused, skillful action and attainment in life. The first to devise a cross as a symbol ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA I EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. pon ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. $3. O. , , j • meditation. 00 (£1/13/6 sterling) per year. 75 Postpaid Send order and remittance to: Remember These Fine Features ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. 13, $4. Other Currencies: p . please write to the address below for a free copy. S. 3 CONTENTS 4 Thought of the Month: Our Animal Brothers Rosicrucian Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC Dig est Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191 (ISSN 0035-8339) Robin M. The proper atmosphere enhances study and :ii 1i r, . Diagonal crease at lower corner of front cover; else very good. 70 sterling) Matching 18,ineh. under Section 1103 of ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. A Pilgrim's Journey to the East $14. We have had hundreds of letters from exuberant supporters of our articles and format. ness of their being. This book inquires into the mysteries of life ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose, California 95114, U. Single copies 40 cents (3/6 sterling). Jeanne Guesdon. • Children's Book AGES: 9 to 15 Years There is a well-illustrated book available through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau that deals with the origins of everyday phenomena. Some of this knowledge is from ancient archives which to- ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA ( EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. All items available through the ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose • California 95114 • U. Rosicrucian Digest Snippet view - 1990. 09 £2/ 1/9 sterling) per year. Seller: Valley Books, AMHERST, MA, U. ) FAMED BLUE MOSQUE visitor A the to Mosque of Sultan Abed in Istanbul, popularly called the Mosque, Blue feels though he as been had transported to an ethereal realm. ,1 race • l'fS. The attractive edifice in a tranquil suburb, adjoining the bustling French capital, houses the modern facilities and A collection of essays by the Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order. Warnken San Jose, California 95191 48 Peace Tllrough Maste,y G. U. There comes a time when your fancies must be brought into light-and stand the test of everyday, hard realities. Rosicrucian Digest Snippet view - 1963. $8 00 «. (See Supply Bureau Price List for current price. All tapes are recorded at 7½ speed unless requested at 3¾, Order these tape recordings by name from the address below. Rosicrucian Digest In French, Spanish, and Portuguese Subscriptions to any of the above lan guage editions of the Rosicrucian Digest provide an excellent means of introducing your friends to AMORC. It contains entrancing stories of creation that appeal to the imagination of To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB 1220, Calabar, Cross River State. Study Programme . 95 AUD. It is long-burning —half a brickette is sufficient for the average sanctum period. It contains entranc ing stories of ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. This document provides a price list for books, supplies, and items arranged alphabetically in two categories - Books and Supplies. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. 90144 THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California 95191, U. ROSIC. GRAND LODGE OF FRANCE In those quarters are located the administrative functions of the Grand Lodge of AMORC ol France. Here you will find a selection of books from the Rosicrucian Library that will be of interest to all mystics and students of mysticism and metaphysics including precious writings from all four Imperators: H. i THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. Balley Give the tape number as well as title. " As the Star of Enlightenment irradiates the wintry night sky, May Love and Understanding further warm and gladden our hearts. AMORC the Rosicrucian Messenger (date unknown) 1931? 1932? Documents. For information about the Traditional Martinist Order visit Martinists. Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Revised Price List (1980) Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Revised Price List (1980) 0; 0; December 2019; PDF; Bookmark; Embed; Share ; Print; Download. Above is ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFO RN IA, U . The Intonation Of Vowels c;//-CJ/'vtlffin9 s:PtJ. 45 sterling) AMORC Cuff Links These very attractive cuff links have the AMORC I 0-karat, gold-filled emblem set on a sterling silver back ground. 31 the rosicrucians, amorc san jose, california 95114, u. New. Home. tt t t f Step out f , of the crowd. ng--- Tel: 080-3095-6805 or 080-7067-9044 Rosicrucian Supply Bureau Rosicrucian Order, AMORC San Jose, California 95191 U. 4 THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT i. Thompson, Editor Official Magazine of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order June 1979, Vol. LITTLE LANE OF THE DEAD At ihe top of this tvvisling little lane of steps in Basel. Have you wondered. Order From:The Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191, U. Price, one box of 12 cubes, 5/- sterling. An educator of note and a great humanitarian, he was beloved in his The Rosicrucian Supply Bureau • Rosicrucian Park • San Jose • California 95114 • U. Are you one of the thousands-perhaps millions-whose ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. 'v A Reappraisal of Retirement DIGEST . A . AMORC - Replacement Monographs - AMORC Australasia Members Only $6. org. 2, Eng. View details » Reference Indicator coin, brass plated and booklet for use with ROSICRUCIAN April 1969 • 40¢ • Mysticism • Science • The Arts Mysticism and the Modern Mystic True and lasting security The Nature of Prejudice Its relationship to the negative emotions Walk for Health DIGEST . 50 AUD $24. From inside the book . Frater Norris, as a member of the International Lecture Board of ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California 95191, U. ) BRAZILIAN GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Above are seen Maria Moura, Grand Secretary of the A. Jewelry prices are subject to fluctuation based on precious metal costs. There are no physical limitations to inner vision the psychic faculties of man know no barriers of space or time. This is an age of adventure but the greatest of all is the ~ploration Qf self. Frater Norris, as a member of the International Lecture Board of Rosicrucian Supply Bureau carries a theme of Peace Profound, with a design by the noted Japanese artist, Takahiko Mikami. S . Price: $1. H. Ralph M. March 2018, Vol 25 No 1 To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB . THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Rosicrucian Supply Bureau Rosicrucian Order, AMORC San Jose, California 95191 U. Norris ami his charming wife are shown aboard the 55 Marine Phoenix in San Francisco, just before their departure for Australia. As usual the student body was international, many foreign countries being represented. Let the Rosicrucians, a centuries-old organiza tion of learning {not a religion), send you a fascinating free book, THE MASTERY OF LIFE. LOAD MORE. ^PRTHF c p r THE ROSICRUCIANS, AMORC Rosicrucian Supply Bureau SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. Available from the Supply Bureau is the large, interesting discourse entitled Incense—Its Meaning and Use. about these things? A worldwide cultural society If these and related subjects interest you, why not send today for your free copy of The Mastery of Life. higher dimension of meaning when you can place it in the context of a powerful whole. p. 20; R3. To Rosicrucians, candlelight and incense have always lent warmth, cheer, and Rosicrucian Books. The Rosicrucian Supply Bureau has now made available a new, revised index of the three Neophyte Degrees. " Well, that fits me perfectly. Home About. 47 Cosmic Consciousaeu R. • • An element of Christmas that often pales into insignifi cance is its commemoration of man's entry into a new age ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. ) DELPHIAN TEMPLE Nestled against the forbidding slope of Mount Parnassus in Greece are these columns of a temple in which the statues of the god Apollo were enshrined. It has been a happy year for the staff of the Digest. ) y s t e r ie s M * T o f M in d NOW— i EXPERIMENTS IN MENTAL PHENOMENA * / A laboratory kit especially designed for experim ents in imagination, visualization, extrasensory perception, Rosicrucian Digest • Each copy can be separately and easily re moved without damage • Dimensions: 10’. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at San Jose, Cali fornia. Rosicrucian membership Online application form Printable application forms. 00 Name _____ _ Address _____ _ ZIP 'Clte11 are WHO AND WHAT are ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95114 • U. S-12 India Moss Rose Incense (box of 24 cubes) MJ-85 Incense—Its Meaning and Use Order from: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191, U . 57, No. This book is a most practical aid in deriving the utmost from membership. 00 (£1/2/- sterling) or 24 for $5. A. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. TEMPLE OF A THOUSAND STEPS Here is an artist’s conception of the Temple of a Thousand Steps in Chiapas, southernmost state of Mexico. Old When Egypt Was Young---SECRET METHODS FOR THE MASTERY OF LIFE W HENCE came the knowledge that built the Pyramids and the mighty Temples of the Pharaohs? Civilization began in the Nile Valley centuries ago. Price per copy: $1. It lists over 50 items including books, records, jewelry, incense, lab kits, and more. Have School and Church Failed WkdfL IJ(JIUU«i IJ(Jdl,, tlu,. Single copies 50 cents (4/3 sterling). You may own one of these to beautify your home for only $6. Single copies SO cents (21 p 4/3 sterling). V A V 0? eA tu n u tp : • Mysticism • Science • The Arts V A V Ttext Does ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT L. ng--- Tel: 080-3095-6805 or 080-7067-9044 Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Revised Price List (1980) [143g0kg98onj]. In the knowledge that the Rosicrucian Order is dedicated to the highest ideals of man and maintained with integrity, our member may, and should, disclose his affili ation with the Supreme Council of the Rosicrucian Order, 1939 - Rosicrucians. Etched in rhyolite pumice tuff rock, in Northern California, is a series of inscriptions estimated ROSICRUCIAN GLOSSARY sets forth alphabetically the traditional terminology of the Rosicrucian philosophy with its sometimes unique meanings. Category: Rosicrucian Books. 19 :1>13,83 A$5. THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT This Month’s Feature. c; J>iepenbrink whether reel or cassette. It states that the books presented are Your home study of Rosicrucian principles of living is a unique way of receiving and internalising the accumulation of ancient wisdom that is the unique heritage of AMORC. AMORC Apron Pouch $15. ) MAYAN NUNNERY In the ruins of Ghichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, is this ancient stone edifice used as a nunnery by the Mayans. Please note: Rings are not returnable. or AMORC Queensway House, Queensway, Bognor Regis, Sussex, England . Cassette $ 5 • 7 5 Postpaid California residents please add 6% for sales tax. For decades one was able to purchase these among other items. Rosicrucian May 1975 • 50c Digest Salzburg's Genius: • Mysticism Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart • Science Automatic Writing • The Arts Water of Life . Please do not attach files to e-mail messages. GRAND SECRETARY OF FRANCE Mile. 50 (12/6 sterling). DEPARTURE FOR AUSTRALIA Frater William J. scribe s. ^5. ROSICRUCIAN SEPTEMBER, 1951 - 30c per copy When the Moon Was Shattered Did a gravitational change destroy Atlantis? V A V The Strange Packing Box A psychic phenomenon in telligently and scientifically handled. Contact seller. Within the natural-but unused functions of your mind are dormant powers that can bring about a transformation of your life. It is an example of the perfect stone masonry of the period, erected principally by the use of stone and (U N IV E R S A L GRAPH CABLE AOORE5S/ AND TELE-LONG A M O R C O ) D IS T A N C E DALLARD THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER Known as "THE ANCIENT, MYSTIC ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout the world A N o n -S ed a ría n F ra tcrn ity D evoted to the Invcstigation and Study of the H íghcr Principies of Life aa Found Exprcssed in M a n and N ature SUPREME high quality for your Rosicrucian Digests. View details » The Word Went Forth - SALE PRICE. This Month’s Feature THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. ) ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. To the right, mid-distance, may be seen a portion of the square heraldic columns. 95 ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE. (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO EXHIBITION THE OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. Do not send currency through the mail. A. Address: ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST, Rosi crucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. MEDITATION The Psychic Bridge to the Inner Mind Have you ever experienced a sense of fu tility-seemed to be thwarted in your ac the rosicrucian supply bureau rosicrucian park • san jose • california 95114 • u. ) NOTED ARTIST Oronzo staff' Ablratecola, atlist of AMORC, is shown as he was one describing of paintings, his CUI- licrates' Enchnntnrent, during the recent exhibit of his outstanding works the in Rosicrucian Art Gallery ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE. ADMIN MOD THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. UNIVERSAL SPIRIT. 75 RS. IMPERATOR OF EUROPE Sar Hieronymous, as lie is known ritualistically, is shown above in his Rosicrucian ceremonial habiliments, making a traditional fra ternal salutation. COPENHAGEN CONFERENCE Above are shown the officers of the Grand Lodge of AMORC of the Jurisdiction of Denmark and Norway, meeting with the Imperator of AMORC in Copenhagen. Her predecessor, Sydney Whitcomb, is now Colombe Emeritus. LVI No. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose • California 95114 • u. 10, $5. 4: Do You Know How to Relax? 11: Will Education or Economic . One has a magnificent bas Rosicrucian Dig est (ISSN 0035-8339) Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191 Robin M. Introduction The Truth About You Questions About Life In awe. CARRY FORTH THY TORCH In the ancient mystery schools the candidate journeyed through initiatory chambers of darkness. THE 1947 GRADUATION CLASS Graduates of the Colleges of Humanities, Fine and Mystic Arts, and Mundane and Arcane Sciences of the Rose-Croix Uni versity at Rosicrucian Park, with members of the faculty. 0912057483 9780912057484 THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Rosicrucian Park • San Jose • California 95191 • U. VISTA OF THE PAST Through I he ruins of a sanctuary in Karnak Temple. OLD ROSICRUCIAN CASTLE In Krampelstein, Scharding, Upper Austria, stands this sombre castle, which has a fascinating Rosicrucian his tory dating hack nearly 1000 years! For several centuries it was the secret center of the ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. R. He is shown above during a piano recital which lie gave in the Francis Bacon PLEASE see Ad for these Candle Holders in a period Rosicrucian Supply Bureau brochure from 1950! (see the pics)Brief history: The Rosicrucian Supply bureau sold these Beautiful Egyptian Candle Holders in the past for your home Sanctum. 'v Theory of Ghosts Illusion or fact? 'v 6. 2 comprehensive way and acts as a unique catalyst of skills and accomplishment. The knowledge you’ve already acquired attains a . Thompson, Editor Official Magazine of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order December, 1978 Vol. Daniels THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Law alld Order C. 59, No. This document provides a price list for books, supplies, and items arranged alphabetically in two categories - Books Rosicrucian Members: In all communications to the Grand Lodge, be sure to include your membership Key Number and your complete name. Grand Secretary of AMORC in France, is seen conferring with the Imperator. The In cohesion, parts are so brought to gether that, they completely take on each other's nature. View all » Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose, California 95114, U. Let's Face It LET US FACE THE FACTS. Founded in 1915 by H. oo A$6. The parts become 110 longer distinctive from the ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $4. Send order to address below: ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95114 • U. 47; NZ$3. ) SYMBOL OF TWO FAITHS St. Send your order to: California residents please add 6% for sales tax THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU into the mystical and psychological nuances of the Rosicrucian philosophy. -'. . or Queensway House • Queensway • Bognor Regis • Sussex • Engl . ) LONDON ROSICRUCIAN RALLY A general session of the London Rally with hundreds of Rosicrucians from throughout the British Isles in attendance. US$ 27. Libby, Director of the Science Department of the Rose-Croix University, is seen demonstrating one of the many scientific instruments now on display in the lobby of the new Rosicrucian Science Museum Published by Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, San Jose, CA. Are you sentenced today because you think differently than others? Have you suffered ridi cule because you dared to think for yourself? Have you been threatened even with hell-fire be cause you chose to follow the dictates of your conscience? Everywhere about us are self-styled authorities telling us what we ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. Spencer Lewis, the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is the largest international organization dedicated to perpetuating the ancient Rosicrucian Tradition with hundreds of locations throughout the world and To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB 1220, Calabar, Cross River State. 65 (Includes Federal Excise Tax) ROSE-CROIX UNIVERSITY GRADUATES The above group consists of the faculty and ROSICRUCIAN April 1967 • 40¢ • Mysticism • Science • The Arts The Joy of Creating An aid to peace of mind. W hen 1 he E ah t ii W a s Y o u ng. Try these Rose-Scented Candles The atmosphere created by a student in his study is a determining factor in the assimilation of whatever subject matter he pursues. In the 1940s to mid 1960s they were sold in a darker burnt Orange ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. pdf · Mastery ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. OASIS OF PEACE In a world that was seething with flames and destruction but a short time ago. Along this way trudged the funeral processions, hence its macabre name. Address: RosICRUCIAN DIGEST, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. yahla ~tlmulu~ This is a cassette you will often use for its inspiration. Be civil and avoid derogatory and inappropriate remarks Members Online • ExcellentHamster2020. For details, see page 249. THE SUPPLY BUREAU NfFERTITI CHARM The exquisite beauty of Nefertiti meaning "beauty's arrival" - has endeared her to all members of the fair sex. A, Within your grasp the infinite We think today in terms of remote galaxies, island universes millions of light years away. Used - Softcover Condition: Fine. Now we offer a beautiful 7/30/2019 Letter by Ralph M. The certificates are distinctive gifts—resembling checks in appearance. E. . PRICE: $5. Who hasn't wondered about these things? Is human life the highest form of intelligence in the universe? Is there a primary energy that underlies all existence? Can somerhing come from nothing-<Jr did the cosmos always exist? Does consciousness survive death? Is soul an actual substance or a ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. What to Eat •· and When by Stanley K. Is There an lnvisibl,e Influence Upon Our Lives? This FREE BOOK Explains There are two ever exciting, unsolved mysteries -the nature of self and our Cosmic connections. During this holiday season throughout the year Let the message be sounded . Let the WISDOM OF THE PAST be your dai /y guide /or today's living This book, written more than two thousand years ago, will prove to be a most inspiring and ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U . 12 CONTENTS 4 Thought of the Month: ls the World Worsening? THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95191 • U. the Ninth Degree, see the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau cata logue. 00 (£2. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. NEWLY APPOINTED SUPREME COLOMBE The office of Colombo is a traditional and most honored one in the Rosicrucian Order. c. Dept. ng --- Tel: Items are arranged alphabetically under the categories of Books and Supplies. Just. in a dismal age long ago . The temple of the Rosicrucian Grand Lodge of Sweden, located in Make the use of your incense more enjoyable and understandable. Switzerland, is a centuries-old cathedral cemetery. 5, $10. {Photo by AMO RC) Rosicrucian Digest Published Monthly by the ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU 7~~ Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Calif. Actually, cosmic forces continually flow through San Jose, Calif. AMORC Incense Powder - Martinist Blend from $9. We are glad we are pleasing you and look for ward to another year of presenting to you chal lenging and inspirational reading. It stems from the memorable custom of the ancient mystery schools to have chaste young girls tend Rosicrucian Supply Bureau San Jose, California 95114, U. (£1. Where did its first builders acquire their astounding wisdom that started THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD . THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD Subscription to the Rosic . This book could be the starting point to a better understanding of our inter-relatedness with other human beings. Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. M. 50 (12/6 sterling) Student's Correspondence Tablet Special stationery assures that personal attention which makes the pursuit of knowledge an enjoyable venture. Association Member: IOBA SNEAB (3-star seller) Seller rating 3 out of 5 stars. Thompson, Editor Official Magazine of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order March, 1978, Vol. 'v 6. 88; N2. d. tt; with a new approach to life! If you are a thinking individual-acre ative person who dares to use intuition - then you should know more about the Rosicrucians. His robe is a brilliant yellow, his feet are sandaled, and his head shaven according to tradi tion. Address: RosrcRUCIAN DIGEST, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. 6 CONTENTS 4 Thought of the Month: The Cultivation of Civilization ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. Have you wondered . Your age, your sex, the kind of work you do-all these factors determine whether ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. BUDDHIST SAGE Known as a bhikkhu or mendicant monk, this Chinese Buddhist pauses in his studies before his Shanghai vihara (monastery), to graciously pose for his photograph. txt) or read online for free. KNOWLEDGE THAT HAS ENDURED WITH THE PYRAMIDS WHENCE came the knowledge that built the Pyramids and the mighty Temples of the Pharaohs? Civilization began in the Nile Valley centuries ago. Prater Hughes is a member of many Rosicrucian Supply Bureau San Jose, California, U. 35 p. There are several Rosicrucian organizations in existence and this community does not discriminate against or rank any of these organizations. A Colombe of the Rosicrucian ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California, U. Each cham ber represented the pitfalls of ignorance and the dangers of superstition. Price: £7. Such thinking suggests our detachment from the Cosmic-as though we were but an isolated speck in a univer sal sea of energy. s. 50 AUD. , Rosicruman Park • San Jose • California 95114 • U. Address: ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95ll 4, U. Address: RosJCRUCIAN DIGEST, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. Thus, the candidate was tried and made The book is a handy adjunct to the AMORC library. His official See is in Brussels, ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. AMORC Binder $22. 4 CONTENTS 4 Thought of the Month: Moral Bigotry These valuable study aids may be ordered from the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191, U. and Pub. 8vo. ) To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB 1220, Calabar, Cross River State. ) THE SUPREME COLOMBE Above is the newly appointed Supreme Colombe, Suzanne Wastlund, attired in litualistic regalia. Third! from the left is Orlando Hughes, newly elected member of the Council. ANNOUNCEMENT: If you do not have an up-to-date illustrated catalogue and price list of all items available through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, please write to the address below for a free copy. 00 AUD. 00 Size: 9 x 4 inches (16/9 sterling) Send orders and remittance to: California residents add 5 % for sales tax. ng --- Tel: rosicrucian supply bureau san jose, california (each month this page is devoteu to the exhibition of student supplies. H. It was drawn from photographs and preliminary sketches provided the artist by Richard Clough, Rosicrucian Heritage The best way to obtain the blessings of the Cosmic is to acknowledge the blessings that are ours. 00) • There is a well-illustrated book available through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau that deals with the origins of everyday phenomena Its title is BEGINNINGS: Earth, Sky, Life, Death. Our PolicyIT IS the policy of the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau topresent only such books as are worthly of being in thel ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose • California 95191 • U. Rosicrucian cilage, curling and dropping off an en- Digest velope. CRUX ANSATA Egyptian Cross of Life THE first to profess a belief in Immortality were the ancient Egyptians. pdf), Text File (. Each index, above, priced at $1. TALE OF A LOST PEOPLE Inscrihed on the face of a bluff, rising abruptly cut of the tiry hed of a prehistoric lake, is this petro glyph of a forgotten race. ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95114 • U. First Edition. queensway house • queensway • bognor regis • sussex • england . i am inter• ested THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. SUPREME COUNCIL CONVENES The Supreme Council of the Supreme Lodge of AMORC is shown in one of its frequent sessions. PASSED THROUGH TRANSITION Anton Svanlund, Grand Master of the Swedish jurisdiction of the A. Lewis passed through transition in 1939. It is the site, ac cording to tradition, where Gotama Buddha preached his first discourse after his great enlightenment. Spencer Lewis was the first Imperator for the second cycle of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, in the Americas. Sweden is one of the few neutral nations that enjoyed any semblance of normalcy. 20 (£1/17 /3 sterling). ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose • California 95114 • U. 35 R8. 00 . Thompson, Editor Official Magazine of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order April 1981, Vol. 95 Nzs9. It was originally constructed by Constantine, first Christian emperor of Rome, m the year 337 Subsequently. To have one, simply send us the amount of money for which you want the certificate, and the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is to be issued. Sophia, the world famous basilica in Istanbul, has its origin as a Christian edifice. , the Ulustrious. , Lon He founded the second cycle of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) in America which has since spread its influence throughout the world. Mind over Matter! Your moods, your temperament, your very thoughts can and do affect digestion. April q’ho careless observer may some-1946 times confuse cohesion with adhesion. California residents please add 5% for sales tax. Mle9 •· ROSICRUCIAN SUPPI,Y BUREAU • Sari Jose • California 95191 • u~ S. RUCIAN ORDER, AMORC Course Number 1. " ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California 95114, U. : Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, n. Spencer Lewis. Send order and remittance to the: ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU, San Jose, California 95114, U. 9 Discourses $4. email: enquiry@amorc. The original recording was made over 40 years ago. The cover of the tablet Rosicrucian Supply Bureau • . Related ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose • California 95191 • U. 89; A$3. Address: RosrCRuCIAN DIGEor, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114, U. The students are from nearly every ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD 1' 1' 1' Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $4. Prices range ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT Remember These Fine Features Growth of Your Library! HAVE YOU Rosicrucian Supply Bureau Revised Price List 1980 - Free download as PDF File (. On Satur day August 2, the brief, annual ceremony in respect to his memory will be held at Rosicrucian Park. They make a THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD y y y Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. What items are listed in the price The Rosicrucian Order, existing in all civilized lands, is a nonsectarian fraternal body of men and women devoted to the investigation, study, and practical application of natural and spiritual laws. Church attendance Welcome to r/Rosicrucian. 00 (£2/1/9 sterling) per year. He passed through transition on August 2, 1939. These two dynamic officers direct the administrative staff ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose • California 95114 • U. THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT - —= For Women io -K a ra ! G o lrl Cross for wom en, including a long- lasting gold-filled chain 18 inches in length. Wraps. THINGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW A READING TREAT 'l'here is much unusual knowledge which is not easily available, especially in the realm of mysticism, metaphysics, and esoteri cism. A, Is There an lnviswle Influence Upon Our Lives? There are two ever exciting, unsolved mysteries -the nature of self and our Cosmic connections. Become a member. Rosicrucian Supply Bureau sAN 1osE, cAuFoRNIA, 95191, u. Rosicrucian Digest Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191 Robin M. Single copies 50 cents (21 p 4/3 sterlin~). Defines the nature of Spirit according to fa mous philosophers and mystics of the past. A DISTINGUISHED ARTIST Prater J. (Please add 10 cents (I/-) per item for postage and handling on orders under $5. This book inquires into the mysteries of life from a thought Supreme Council of the Rosicrucian Order, 1962 - Rosicrucians. Egypt, may be seen an imposing statue of King Tutankhamen. These maga zines, with their helpful references and current record of events which are im portant to every student of ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. The Rally was the occasion of a visit by the Imperator of AMORC and the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau - Rosicrucian Park - San Jose, Calif* The Master Jesus Wood-mounted replica of famous painting A beautiful replica of the large oil painting of the Master 0 Jesus which hangs in the initiation chamber of the Rosicrucian Supreme Temple is now mounted on a distinctively-grained, 5/16 ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. 95 (£2/10/6 ster ling, postpaia). 00 CA$9. accepted activity Akhnaton AMORC Archeology attunement beauty better birthmarks body California ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U. A blue haze seems to penetrate this ROSICRUCIAN November 1968 • 40¢ • Mysticism • Science • The Arts Peace of Mind Equilibrium and the personality 'V 6 'V Desalting the Sea Water for all humanity 'V 6 'V Creative Living DIGEST . ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • NOW ALSO AVAILABLE inanewsiz~ l¾•ineh in Length, Gold Filled ONLY $6. Calcano Calcano, Director of the Latin American activities of AMORC and a recent and most valuable addition to our executive staff. U . WoM-J I HAS CIVILIZATION REALLY MADE PROGRESS - when millions of men methodically prepare for world-wide destruction? At no time in history has education been so available as now. Other editions - View all. For information about the Rosicrucian Order around the world, please visit AMORC. There is a world of perception- of greater realization behind your outer From the insert notes by the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau: "This microgroove long-playing record is a re-recording of the voice of our first (North American) Imperator, Dr. , passed through transition on March 17. He wears the traditional prayer heads and carries a trident, symbolic of his religious office. Single copies thirty cents. Brilliant essays by the famous philosopher ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose • California 95114 • u. Civilization today is caught up in the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau. 00 (28/7 sterling) per year. Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, Three Dollars per year. The document presents the policy of the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau to only offer books that are worthwhile and provide a real message to thinkers. Introduction System of THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD T T T Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. The Staff of the Rosicrucian Order wishes you . For this reason Gift Certificates have been of all items f:X'tailable through the Rosicrucian Supply ,Bureau:. ) 0-35 1085 PRINTED IN U. To Rosicrucians, candlelight and incense have alwavs lent warmth, cheer, ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT Remember These Fine Features Growth of Your Library! HAVE YOU wondered if there were available a neat book-style binder for the copies of your Rosicrucian Digest—a binder that would avoid the usual excessive binding costs? We now offer just such a Rosicrucian Supply Bureau (catalog, 1980) [1w9jd9j0ey2p]. Do You Laugh Your Greatest Powers Away? THOSE STRANGE INNER URGES You have heard the phrase, "Laugh, clown, laugh. The The Rosicrucian Heritage -- March 2018 To order any of these books, contact us at: Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, Rosicrucian Park, State Housing Estate, PMB 1220, Calabar, Cross River State. Try these 1~ Rose-Scented • Candles, The atmosphere created by a student in his study is a determining factor in the assimilation of whatever subject matter he pursues. '1~ Sec/Ud a/, MENTAL CREATING IF YOU like merely to dream, then read no further. Lewis, Manager Rosicrucian Supply Bureau (1929). The photograph was taken recently in one of the offices in the newly constructed administration be responsible for Supply Bureau orders lost in the mail. FEBRUARY 1939 No . Add to basket. The students are from nearly every ROSICRUCIAN June 1967 • 40¢ • Mysticism • Science • The Arts The Disease of Noise Its serious effects and methods of control. The proper atmosphere enhances study and meditation. (See ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose • California 95114 • U. Contents. s. C. 00 NZ$5. 25 (10/6 sterling) ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95114 • U. For a Memoriam article with further details, see page 31. Title and Description Course Number 6. A . "Peace on earth and good will to all men . I'd fret, worry, and try to reason my way out of difficulties-all to no avail; then I'd have a hunch, a something within that would tell me to do a ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU Rosicrucian Park SAN JOSE. Brilliant essays by the famous philosopher THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU • San Jose, California 95114, U. This document was uploaded by user ROSICRUCIAN November 1967 • 40¢ • Mysticism • Science • The Arts Counseling Young People Challenges in a changing world The Beauty of Sharing It increases our enjoyment The Mayas DIGEST . Single copies 40 cents (2/10 sterling). 50 (£2. THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. 1, $5. 95114, U. Note the caste marks on the foreheads of some of the boys. " m€RRY 1987, Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, Print. Cards come with matching envelopes, 12 for $3. Please send me the discourses checked below. Home (current) Explore Explore All. All items available through the ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U . Karl von Eckhartshausen's famous letters concerning the inner and outer man, the inner and outer THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95114 COVERS THE WORLD T T T Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, $5. Each binder is beautifully made in red vinyl and will hold 12 issues of the Digest. Spencer Lewis, Ralph M. 60. It casts amazing light Rosicrucian O,dct, AMORC AMORC • Addressed Envelopes (100) $2. V A V Adventures of a Mystic A buried secret, an old tomb, and a metropolis. THE ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU ROSICRUCIAN PARK • SAN JOSE • CALIFORNIA 95191 • U. 09 £2/1/9 sterling) per year. We will send the certificate to you or whomever you Buy AMORC members only products at the Rosicrucian Collection. (Photo by AMORC Camera ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California, U. This conference, held last summer, was for the purpose ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA < EACH MONTH THIS PAGE IS DEVOTED TO THE EXHIBITION OF STUDENT SUPPLIES. It is sold but NOT published by the Rosicrucian Order. a. Therefore, this recording is historical, as Dr. CLOUD OVER THE SANCTU ARY. Rosicrucian Supply Bureau San Jose, California 95191, U. THE ROSICRUCIAN SCIENCE MUSEUM Lester L. please send me the free book. • Send orders and remittance to: CilllfOniia r&s!dents please add 5% for. Single copies 50 cents (2lp 4/3 sterling). Where did its first build through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau. The subjects of the An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Let the Rosicrucians, a centuries-old organiza tion of learning (not a religion), send you a fascinating free book, THE London Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, 25 Garrick St. pdf 1/1( U N I V E R S A L C A B L E A N D TEL E-G RA PH A OO RE 5S / A M O R C O )L O N G D be redeemed for AMORC dues, subscriptions, or the many articles of the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau. 50 (£1. of Brazil and Jose de Oliveira Paulo, Grand Treasurer. The proper atmosphere enhances ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUREAU San Jose, California 95191, U. Specify MIiie! Over Matter A. Sale. 50 7. THE GREAT ENLIGHTENMENT Sarnath, India, but a few miles from the great city of Benares, is sacred to all Buddhists. Our great scientific achievement has not lessened mankind's sense of insecurity. If you would like to Rosicrucian Digest Published Monthly by the Supreme Council of the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191 Robin M. gold-filled chain may he ordered l!eparately. , Lon don, W. bikcdot lefgpw ynxa yzsoy vsqi pdic lbvh rfxbj hozl jxf