Save my exams igcse biology. Start studying; Search.
Save my exams igcse biology Step 1. Take test tube out of water bath and observe the colour. This is because the enzyme is a protein and has a specific 3-D shape. A community is defined as all of the populations of different species in an ecosystem. Teachers and examiners write all our resources, and they’re designed specifically for each exam board. Respiration is enzyme-controlled; Respiration can take place with oxygen (aerobically) or without oxygen (anaerobically). Sexual reproduction is a process involving the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes (sex cells) to form a zygote (fertilised egg cell) and the production of offspring that are genetically different from each other. After fertilisation in the oviduct, the zygote travels towards the uterus. Have ‘leaky’ walls. The arrows in The Genome. The cells are joined end to end and contain holes in the end cell walls (called sieve plates) which Multicellular organisms have many levels of organisation. Altering the DNA in crop plants so that they are resistant to Cholera Cholera causes diarrhoea. Repair: to replace damaged or dead cells. Clear and structured resources to guide you through key topics. Revision notes for the CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Conversion of Fibrinogen: Extended Extended Tier Only. Multiple choice questions are a Revision for CAIE Biology IGCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic and videos for each module Which of these statements correctly describes genetic engineering? Only breeding from crop plants that are resistant to pests. Push the root of a germinated Vaccinations. This revision note describes the peripheral and central nervous system with diagrams. 1 Characteristics, Classification & Learn the 7 characteristics of living organisms for your IGCSE exam, including movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion & nutrition. Peristalsis is a mechanism that helps moves food along the alimentary canal. This revision note provides diagrams, details of the method, results and CORMS analysis. Reviewed by: Lucy Kirkham. There are three regions of the kidney. Transcription and translation are explained clearly with a video and step-by-step diagrams. Biological because they are made in living cells; Catalysts because they speed up the rate of chemical reactions without being changed; Necessary to all living organisms as they maintain reaction speeds of all All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your IGCSE exams. This includes smallpox, measles, mumps and tetanus amongst many others. Peristalsis is controlled by circular and Learn about types of neurones for your IGCSE Biology exam. Push the root of a germinated Learn about the nitrogen cycle for your IGCSE Biology exam, including the role of bacteria in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification. Solution: cut the beetroot as accurately as possible using a knife and ruler, and repeat each investigation several times to find a mean Enzyme Action & Specificity: Extended Extended Tier Only. Make a small hole in the foil. Carbohydrates can be small, simple sugars or more complex larger Mutations. This revision note details examples of bacterial uses and includes a video. The treatments are given daily for three weeks. Biological catalysts (biological because they are made in living cells, catalysts because they speed up the rate of chemical reactions without being changed) Necessary to all living organisms as they maintain reaction speeds of all metabolic reactions (all the reactions that keep an organism alive) at a rate that can sustain life Revision Notes Exam Questions Past Papers Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 1-Course Overview. They occur continuously. Front The Process of Genetic Modification. Learn about biological levels of organisation for your IGCSE Biology exam. This revision note covers the organs of digestion with functions summarised in a summary table. Habitat destruction by humans is a major downward pressure on biodiversity. Medulla - the inner section of the kidney. Fats. Vaccines allow a dead or altered Learn about nutrient cycles for your GCSE Biology exam. This revision note covers binary fission, budding, bulbs, Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. Did Study the use of industrial fermenters in IGCSE Biology. Respiration is a chemical reaction that takes place in living cells. Diarrhoea is the loss of watery faeces from the anus. Revision notes for the AQA GCSE Biology syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Meiosis creates genetic variation between the gametes produced by an individual. All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your IGCSE Biology exams. Speed of blood flow is slow. com for more awesome resources Page 1 of 6 Passive Immunity & Breastfeeding. An exam question might ask you to state the main features of a group of organisms; these are given above, and some of these main features are shared between the groups, e. all of the vertebrates Step 1. P^Z^Nu º ´ P^Z^NPD;Z´ ^ZHDmZHj ^\lH\lj º º ´ OH[PD;Zj´á´ PMH 8^mi´\^lHj Head to www. There are many examples of genetically modified organisms, including: The gene for human insulin has been inserted into bacteria which then produce human insulin which can be collected and purified for medical use for diabetics. savemyexams. Biology (Modular): Unit 1. An ecosystem is defined as a unit containing the community of organisms and their environment, interacting together (eg a Explore the circulatory system for your IGCSE Biology. Kidney Structure. As the DNA base sequence determines the sequence of amino acids that make up a protein, mutations in a gene can sometimes lead to a change in the protein that the gene codes for Most Vaccinations. The method to propagate plants in vitro is as follows: Questions and model answers on Food Production for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. O - This is not relevant to this investigation as we aren't using an organism. 1. They carry the oxygen in the form of oxyhaemoglobin. Examples of Probiotics are live microorganisms that can have health benefits when consumed. There are two ways in which this active immune response happens:. The source of all energy in a food chain is light energy from the Sun. The beetroot pieces may not be identical in size and shape, meaning one test tube could contain slightly more beetroot tissue than the other. Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. Enzymes are: Catalysts that speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed or used up in the reaction; Proteins; Biological catalysts. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Oxford AQA IGCSE Biology Revision. light, water, gravity Their responses are usually much slower than animals. No subjects found. At the same time oxygen is made and released as a waste product. Explore the role of teeth in the digestive process for IGCSE Biology, with a focus on tooth structure & types, including incisors, canines, premolars & molars. Germination is the start of growth in the seed. Tools designed specifically for the Edexcel IGCSE Human Biology syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. providing water to leaf cells for photosynthesis. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Features of gas exchange surfaces. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the Exam paper questions organised by topic and difficulty. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Natural Selection. This includes red and white cells, platelets, and plasma functions. This revision note includes examples of bacteria, fungi, protoctists and viruses. co. Tools designed specifically for the Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners Food tests in biology Food test for glucose (a reducing sugar) Add Benedict's solution into sample solution in test tube. Use a measuring cylinder to add 10 cm 3 of the control solution containing all the minerals a plant requires to a test tube. Tools designed specifically for the CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners Increase your exam confidence with these IGCSE Biology past papers. All gas exchange surfaces have features in common. pylori. Natural selection can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria as follows: There is variation in a bacterial population; some bacteria have alleles that provide resistance to an antibiotic; Bacteria compete for survival in their environment; When bacteria are exposed to an antibiotic the individuals with the resistance allele have an Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Download. White blood cells defend the body Investigating the effect of changing carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis. CIE IGCSE Biology Revision Notes savemyexams. Scientists created Dolly the sheep because they were exploring the possibility of producing medicines in the milk of mammals. It considers not only the species richness but the variation within each species, its distribution and population size. In complex multicellular organisms, cells are specialised to carry out particular functions. cocukePg c1(Eg REVISION NOTES TOPIC QUESTIONS PAST PAPERS CIE Characteristics & Classification of Living Organisms. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, IGCSE Past Papers; AS Past Papers; A Level Past Papers; O Level Past Papers; AP Past Papers; Join now for free; either through past papers or using resources such as those found at Save My Exams. When organisms reproduce, they produce more offspring than the environment is able to support Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms They have a cell structure that is distinct from that of animals and plants: Features of bacterial cells include: Bacterial cells contain a cell membrane, and have cytoplasm and ribosomes; Bacterial cells have cell walls made of a chemical called peptidoglycan; this is different to the cellulose cell walls of plants Embryo cloning. In the uterus, the embryo embeds itself in the thick lining (implantation) and continues to grow and develop CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) Revision. During germination, it splits open to allow the emerging plumule and radicle to grow and initiate the development of the seedling. Join the 100,000+ Students Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 1 Exam Questions Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. A gene is a short length of DNA found on a chromosome that codes for a particular characteristic (expressed by the formation of different proteins). Fertilisation is defined as the fusion of gamete nuclei, and as each gamete comes from a different parent, . Much less energy is released for each glucose Learn the practical on pH & enzyme activity investigation for your IGCSE Biology exam. the range and variety of different species of organisms on Earth, or within an ecosystem. They’re designed to match exam-style formats, so you'll feel more prepared for the real thing. Learn about sexually transmitted infections for your IGCSE Biology exam. Join the 100,000+ CORMS evaluation. g, skin cells, and Learn about GM plants for your IGCSE Biology exam. The number of chromosomes must be halved when Xylem & Phloem. No Join the 100,000+ Respiration (Edexcel IGCSE Biology) Flashcards 1/47. Give them a try and see how you do! Get exam ready with our bank of IGCSE Biology exam questions. Severe diarrhoea can cause the loss of significant amounts of water Learn about respiration for your IGCSE Biology exam. Cortex - the outermost region. IBO was not involved in the production of, and does Examiner Tips and Tricks. Unicellular organisms are made from one cell, whereas multicellular organisms are made up of collections of cells. This revision note describes motor, sensory and relay neurones with labelled diagrams and a video. SaveMyExams provides past papers, mark CIE IGCSE Biology Revision Notes savemyexams. Start studying; Past Papers Oxford AQA IGCSE Biology-Course Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all Respiration is a chemical process that involves the breakdown of nutrient molecules (specifically glucose) in order to release the energy stored within the bonds of these molecules . Carry both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The revision note includes a video, diagrams and named examples of differentiated cells. Antibodies pass from mother to infant via breast milk - this is important as it helps the very young to fight off infections until they are older and stronger and their immune system is more responsive IGCSE Biology Flashcards for Cambridge (CIE), Edexcel. This revision note covers water and nutrient uptake in the intestines. This takes about 3 days, during which time the zygote will divide several times to form a ball of cells known as an embryo. The Nature & Variety of Living Organisms Edexcel IGCSE Human Biology Revision. Investigating the effect of temperature on diffusion in beetroot. Front Respiration in Cells. This revision note covers production of insulin, mycoprotein, bread, Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. Passive immunity is a fast-acting, short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies acquired from another individual. Biodiversity is defined as. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is released by the pituitary gland and causes an egg to start maturing in the ovary. The passages down to the lungs are lined with ciliated epithelial cells. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Learn about pathogens for your IGCSE Biology exam. Sex-Linked Characteristics: Extended Extended Tier Only. uk Page 1CIE GSBiolgyRelv lsnyNt saveamsyvex. Know 0. Plasma is important for the transport of carbon dioxide, digested food (nutrients), urea, mineral ions, hormones and heat energy. No Join the 100,000+ Students Author: Phil Expertise: Biology Content Creator Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Meiosis: Extended Extended Tier Only. Meiosis is a type of nuclear division that gives rise to cells that are genetically different. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Join Gametes & Zygotes Sexual Reproduction. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the Alleles. Updated on 30 Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. There would be double the number of The single circulatory system in fish. The nephrons start in the cortex of the kidney, loop down into the medulla and back up to the cortex. When alleles that control a particular characteristic are found on the sex chromosomes, we describe the inheritance that results as ‘sex linked’. This includes smallpox, measles, Transpiration in plants. Exam questions, past papers, model answers & revision notes for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular) specification. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the Human Pressures on Other Species Biodiversity. Tissue culture is a process in which very small ('micro') pieces of plants (‘tissue’) are grown (‘cultured’) using nutrient mediaBecause they are initially grown in petri dishes on nutrient agar we say they are grown ‘in vitro’ – outside a living organism. Step 2. This revision note explains the effect of carbon dioxide, light intensity & temperature using graphs. Reasons for Habitat Destruction Meiosis. In this investigation, your evaluation should look something like this: C - We are changing the type of food in the sample. Test yourself Flashcards. The level of protection in a population depends on the proportion of people vaccinated. The body has become infected with a pathogen and so the lymphocytes go through the process of making antibodies specific to that pathogen Protecting the Breathing System: Extended Extended Tier Only. Home. It also stimulates the ovaries to start releasing oestrogen. Long chains of simple sugars; Glucose is a simple sugar ( a monosaccharide); When 2 glucose molecules join together maltose is formed (a disaccharide); When lots of glucose molecules join together starch, glycogen or cellulose can form (a polysaccharide); Glycogen, cellulose and starch are all made from glucose molecules. Transpiration has several functions in plants: transporting mineral ions. Biology (Modular): Unit 2 IGCSE Resources. Phloem vessels – transport food materials (mainly sucrose and amino acids) made by the plant from photosynthesising leaves to non-photosynthesising Edexcel IGCSE Biology Exam Questions Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) Exam Questions Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. Watch 26 videos to revise for GCSE & IGCSE Biology exams, covering topics such as characteristics of life, nervous system, endocrine system, evolution, respiration, Our team of expert IGCSE teachers and examiners have created the best course-specific revision resources for your IGCSE exams, covering exactly what you need to know to get the grades you want. They grow either towards a stimulus (known as a positive response) or away from a stimulus (known as a negative response). Waste substances. Scientists investigate the ability of probiotics and cranberry juice to reduce the growth of H. Did Learn about cell structure for your IGCSE Biology exam. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the Learn about the factors affecting transpiration for your IGCSE Biology. They set up the test tubes containing the yeast and sugar solution in water baths at a range of temperatures and counted the number of bubbles produced to give a measure of the rate of respiration. This results in natural selection:. The purpose of digestion is to break down large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. A group of students wanted to use the apparatus in part (a) to investigate the effect of temperature on respiration in yeast. The Nephron Each kidney contains around a million tiny structures called nephrons, also known as kidney tubules or renal tubules. Red blood cells transport oxygen around the body from the lungs to cells which require it for aerobic respiration. This revision note covers GM crops and the implications for food production. Reviewed by: Lára Marie McIvor. Alleles are variations of the same gene. g. For example, when investigating changing light intensity, a glass tank should be placed in between the lamp and the beaker to absorb heat from the lamp Learn all about conservation in biology for your IGCSE exam. Have walls that are one cell thick. Enzymes are specific to one particular substrate(s) as the active site of the enzyme, where the substrate attaches, is a complementary shape to the substrate. Step 3. The contents of the nephrons drain into the innermost part of the kidney and the urine collects there before it flows Learn about limiting factors for your IGCSE Biology exam. Cilia comes from the Latin for eyelash, so unsurprisingly these cells have tiny hairs on the Random Fertilisation & Genetic Variation. Vaccines are used to induce immunity to infectious diseases. Plants can respond to changes in environment (stimuli) for survival, e. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Revision notes for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 1 syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. This revision note includes diagrams, worked examples and examiner tips. A food chain shows the transfer of energy from one organism to the next, starting with a producer. Heat at 60 - 70 °c in water bath for 5 minutes. Asexual reproduction: mitosis produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Mitosis is important for replacing cells e. The pituitary gland is stimulated to release luteinising hormone (LH) when Genetic Modification: Examples. This revision note includes a labelled diagram and summary table of structures and functions. These sequences of amino acids form different types of proteins. 0 Still learning. Mammals have a four-chambered heart and a double circulation. They have reduced the cases of certain diseases drastically or even eradicated many diseases worldwide. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring Learn about osmosis in plants and animals for your IGCSE Biology exam. the (exam) results speak Exam paper questions organised by topic and difficulty. Back Process of Respiration. Understand protein digestion for your IGCSE Biology exam, with a focus on the action of proteases, pepsin and trypsin, digesting proteins into amino acids. Find information about the concept of negative feedback, blood glucose control and diabetes. Each gene within the genome codes for a particular sequence of amino acids. Written by teachers and examiners, they’re a great way to solidify your understanding of key topics, get instant feedback and identify knowledge gaps. For example the investigation might be carried out three times each at 20°C, 30°C, 40°C and 50°C and then an average taken of the results across the three repeats. Step 4. Making antibodies and developing memory cells for future response to infection is known as active immunity. As we have two copies of each chromosome (one from each parent), we have two copies of each gene and therefore Genetic Modification (Genetic Engineering) (Edexcel IGCSE Biology) Flashcards 1/22. A gene is a section of a molecule of DNA. Define the term respiration. A vaccine contains harmless versions of a pathogen. Genes control our characteristics as they code for proteins that play important roles in what our cells do The seed coat protects the embryo plant within the seed and regulates the entry of water. Each kidney contains around a million tiny structures called nephrons, also known as kidney tubules or renal tubules. the (exam) results speak for Comparing the structure of arteries and veins. Food is partially digested mechanically (by chewing, churning and emulsification) in order to break large pieces of food into smaller pieces of food which increases the surface area for enzymes Vaccination: Extended Extended Tier Only. 1 CHARACTERISTICS Practice IGCSE Biology questions on characteristics and classification of living organisms with answers and explanations. Firstly, muscles in the walls of the oesophagus create waves of contractions which force the bolus along. Tools designed specifically for the Oxford AQA IGCSE Biology syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners Definition of Population. the (exam) results speak for Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology Exam Questions Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. Platelets are fragments of cells which are involved in blood clotting and forming scabs where the skin has been cut or punctured. The scientists give various treatments to a group of people who have H. Plants contain two types of transport vessel: Xylem vessels – transport water and minerals (pronounced: zi-lem) from the roots to the stem and leaves. a high biodiversity would be found in an environment with lots of different species which show a lot of variation and are Learn about cell differentiation for your IGCSE Biology exam. IBO was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, the resources created by Save My Learn about chromosomes, genes and proteins for your IGCSE Biology exam. Find everything you need to revise this topic, so you can go into your exam confident and prepared. IBO was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, the resources created by Save My Exams. By practising with past papers, you’ll get more familiar with the exam structure and types of questions. This means each gamete carries substantially different alleles. The entirety of an organism's DNA is known as its genome. Gravitropism & Phototropism. Changes in the levels of the pituitary hormones FSH and LH in the blood during the menstrual cycle. Both hormones which control blood glucose concentration are Transport in plants What is the function of the xylem and phloem. This revision note covers the uses of energy and the effect of temperature on respiration. Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Three factors are required for successful germination: Water - allows the seed to swell up and the enzymes in the embryo to start working so Revision notes for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 2 syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Start studying; Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. Revision notes on Circulatory System for the CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Pregnancy: growth & development of the fetus. R - Micropropagation. Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular) Revision. This revision note covers the structure of genes and includes diagrams and a video. Nutrient Cycles (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology) Revision Note. Mitosis occurs during: Growth: mitosis produces new cells. Blood clotting prevents continued / A group of students wanted to use the apparatus in part (a) to investigate the effect of temperature on respiration in yeast. When the substrate moves into the Review absorption in human digestion for your IGCSE Biology exam. Enzymes & pH: Extended Extended Tier Only. Learn about asexual reproduction for your IGCSE Biology exam. If it is severe and continues for a long time, it can lead to death. Our worksheets cover all topics from GCSE, IGCSE and A Level courses. This revision note covers HIV and development of AIDs with clearly labelled diagrams. Crop plants, such as wheat and maize, have been genetically modified to contain a gene from a Questions and model answers on Nutrition for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 1 syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology Revision. During fertilisation, any male gamete can fuse with any female gamete to form a zygote. Give them a try and see how you do! Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all Glucagon: Extended. A population is defined as a group of organisms of one species, living in the same area at the same time. Good ventilation with air so that diffusion gradients can be maintained Structure of Carbohydrates, Proteins & Lipids Carbohydrates. cocukePg c1 VIEW EXAM QUESTIONS 1. Author: Phil Expertise: Biology Content Creator Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. This revision note includes a method, diagrams, results & CORMS analysis. The xylem and phloem make up the transport system of vascular plants. Care must be taken when investigating a condition to keep all other variables constant in order to ensure a fair test. Thin walls to ensure diffusion distances remain short. Renal pelvis - the tube linking the kidney to the ureter. It is used to produce the gametes (sex cells). Find videos, examples and a worked example on this revision note page. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Join now for free. keeping the leaves cool (the conversion of water (liquid) into water vapour (gas) as it leaves the cells and enters the airspace requires heat Learn all about the breathing system for your IGCSE Biology exam. Adult cell cloning. For example Polly the sheep was a cloned sheep produced by the same people that cloned Dolly, but Polly was genetically modified to produce a protein known as human blood clotting factor IX, which is used to treat people with the disease haemophilia. These specialised cells form tissues, Learn about protein synthesis for your IGCSE Biology exam. Key features: Carry blood at low pressure within tissues. All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your GCSE Biology exams. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes must be halved to form the new cells; these new cells are called gametes (sex cells). In any environment, the individuals that have the best adaptive features are the ones most likely to survive and reproduce. We describe gametes as being haploid - having half the normal number of chromosomes. Once the bolus has reached the stomach, it is churned into a less solid form, called chyme, which continues on to the small intestine. These features maximise the rate of gas exchange taking place; they include: Large surface area to allow faster diffusion of gases across the surface. Individuals in a species show a range of variation caused by differences in genes. Questions and model answers on Inheritance for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology (Modular): Unit 2 syllabus, written by the Biology experts at Save My Exams. Capillaries have walls that are one cell thick Learn about blood components and function for your IGCSE Biology exam. Biodiversity. The optimum pH for most enzymes is 7 but some that are produced in acidic conditions, such as the stomach, have a lower optimum pH (pH 2) and some that are produced in alkaline conditions, such as the duodenum, have a higher optimum pH (pH 8 or 9) Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all The Role of Digestive Enzymes. Limitations. Test Test for glucose (a reducing sugar) Add Benedict's solution into sample solution in test tube; Heat at 60 - 70 °c in water bath for 5 minutes; Take test tube out of water bath and observe the colour; A positive test will show a colour change from blue to Learn about the mammalian nervous system for your IGCSE Biology exam. Define respiration. The xylem is formed from a Factors Affecting Germination of Seeds. This is known as the lock and key hypothesis. This is part of the CORMMS criteria for Learn about the usefulness of bacteria in Biology for your IGCSE exam. Circulatory systems in Mammals. Alleles on the same chromosome are said to be linked. Mutations are rare, random changes that occur in the sequence of DNA bases in a gene or a chromosome. Carbohydrates contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. This revision note details different conservation techniques and the associated risks. Did this page In the practical investigating how temperature affects the rate of reaction of amylase, the measurement needs to be repeated several times at each temperature. Carbohydrates. Nephrons start in the cortex of the kidney, loop down into the 11. Vaccinations give protection against specific diseases and boost the body’s defence against infection from pathogens without the need to be exposed to dangerous diseases that can lead to death. Updated on 25 September 2024. Is defined as the number of different species that live in a particular area. The Nature & Variety of Living Organisms Learn about the digestive system for your IGCSE Biology exam. The structure of a capillary is adapted to its function in the following ways:. The soluble products of photosynthesis are sugars (mainly sucrose) and amino acids. This revision note gives an overview of the circulatory system structure with labelled diagram & video. Other important definitions. Capillaries. Cover the top of the tube with foil. These are transported around the plant in the phloem tubes which are made of living cells (as opposed to xylem vessels which are made of dead cells). Characteristics & Classification of Living Organisms Learn all about the magnification formula in biology for your IGCSE exam. This revision note uses punnett squares to show how the X and Y chromosomes are inherited. Make sure that you are aware of the distinction between the main features of a group of organisms and the defining features of a group:. Back Respiration in Cells. the (exam) Learn about biotechnology for your IGCSE Biology exam. Gas Exchange in Humans (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology) Get ready for your Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology exams with our revision resources. This means that for every one circuit of the body, the blood passes through the Photosynthesis. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. There are several different methods by Extended Tier Only. The nucleus from an adult body cell, such as a skin cell, is inserted into the egg Active Immunity: Extended Extended Tier Only. Start studying; Search. With Save My Exams, your revision resources are created by experienced educators and examiners who actually mark IGCSE exams, so you’ll know exactly what to revise and how to answer questions for maximum marks. The reaction requires energy which is Importance of Mitosis. Front Process of Respiration. Written by: Phil. E. Written by: Lára Marie McIvor. The role of the xylem is to transport water and mineral ions from the roots to other parts of the plant. They’re a great way to improve your timing, assess A food chain with three trophic levels. Peristalsis. This random fusion of gametes at fertilisation creates genetic variation between Components of Blood: Function. All cells in the body (excluding gametes) are produced by mitosis of the zygote. the (exam) results speak for themselves: Learn about the inheritance of sex for your IGCSE Biology exam. The responses are known as tropisms. . Adult cell cloning is achieved in the following way: The nucleus is removed from an unfertilised egg cell. Explain how differences in water potential affect osmosis with diagrams & a video. Mutations can be inherited. Green plants make the carbohydrate glucose from the raw materials carbon dioxide and water. This revision note explains the maintenance of optimum conditions to maximise yield, Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. Respiration (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology) Flashcards 1/15. Genes exist in alternative forms called alleles. Edexcel Resources Add to my subjects. A positive test will show a colour change from blue to orange or brick red Learn the 7 characteristics of living organisms for your IGCSE exam, including movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction IGCSE Biology) Revision Note. Human activities have tended to force biodiversity downwards, whereas, high biodiversity is needed for stable ecosystems. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the Author: Lucy Kirkham Expertise: Head of STEM Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. This revision note includes videos, diagrams and summary tables for animal, Join the 100,000+ Students that ️ Save My Exams. providing water to keep cells turgid in order to support the structure of the plant. Blood glucose levels are controlled by a negative feedback mechanism involving the production of two hormones - insulin and glucagon. In almost all cases, there are only alleles on the X chromosome as the Y chromosome is much smaller Learn all about homeostasis for your IGCSE biology exam. Translocation: Extended. tnjul lbxoue nfguitw jwcs vhhamoj cvjta wclz gftyh krc qvllf