My friend's coworker is a Kevin. If it's affecting your working day then rope the manager in. Just stay away from all that unnecessary drama. Once one of you leaves either by your free will or a firing you will never see that person again. It'll come bite you in the ass when you least expect it. My workplace has only eight people so we often but birthday presents for each other, so obviously I bought Mariana a present. Allergic-Dude. He said no thanks. So, maybe your coworker is a bit socially awkward, and is copying because she would like to be more like you. I had a co-worker who I had been friends with for a while. Don't let him yell at you, and if you feel the need to jump in, don't let him yell at coworkers and new guys. here’s why she offers to do the horrible jobs so i don’t have to do them, such as mopping or changing poo nappies (we work with children) she always gets in my personal space and gives me little touches So I work with a girl who i was attracted to, she works in different "department" than I and we interact very minimally. I finally got my dream job three months ago but I came to the realization that I hate my co-workers. Never do a favor for her again. Oooh kinda gives me the shivers just reading about being directly called out like that. less. I have been a very good worker, my Boss said i was one of the best they ever hadThere i meet him, a very nice and brilliant guy, we became good friends and worked together to start a new campaign. 5M subscribers in the AskWomen community. Every single little and big incident. my long-time girlfriend just broke up with me because of her coworkers. You can get them from anywhere. We got to the amusement park and all was great. I've read and heard that advice over and over, and for a long time i held that boundary. At the very least they'll defer you to your next review. We could finish each other's sentences, shared the same values, have similar I got my coworker pregnant and I still haven't told my wife. My wife and I will have been together for twelve years this April. We had a really close friendship group, and almost all of us worked together; only a couple of us didn't (and that's including partners). Give your boss a dollar amount that is 5% higher than what you actually want. S. Then all of a sudden she stopped talking to me. We work in different divisions, and have different schedules, so we would rarely bump into each other. I thought my crush had passed and there was no danger. Whenever we talk he acts like he never wants to end the She sits behind me (in a cubicle) and we talked/laughed often and I thought to myself “yes!! I have a new work bestie!” We had made plans to go to a local event together and meet at 12 and she kept pushing the time to meet later and later so I decided to go with my friend and possibly see her there. There is a lot to tell but I got to let this one out as it played out in my head. - Feb 25, 2023. ) Agreed and I like to keep it that way. When I asked her about it, she said (almost verbatim) "I was sent this email telling me not to do action B, so I did action B" and saw nothing wrong with what she'd done. Yes, and it shows that they valued you as a professional connection or friend. Talk to your supervisor, for he/she knows your work ethic, and do not let this leech bother your work. His personality is attracting and physically he was my type, but I spent two thirds of the time knowing him asking myself if I found him romantically or I (29F) have a coworker (55M) who I suspect has feelings for me. He goes to management, you get fired. Nothing, don't make it weirder. It sure opens your eyes to the whole charade. Long story short we won the prizes together, as we were walking into the bosses office to accept our prize this guy asked me for my number. I. OP showed that she was interested. I asked if he would like to buy me Starbucks for lunch tomorrow. If I know and trust the people, I usually tell them that they can use me as a reference. long time lurker and reader, finally decided to share my own creepy encounter. I don't think I have the mental strength to just stop thinking of the coworker, nor the desire to do so. Don't keep up with their account if they don't know someone irl knows it. It must be confusing to have him try to get so close to you and then this happens. Well, my co-worker had some emotional problems. (not to date) Reply. Before I begin, I would like to say that everything in this story is written exactly as it was told to me as best as I can remember. If she is not inclined to do so, then let her husband know. I learned my lesson and stayed to myself for a while. The only reason companies tell you not to tell your coworkers your salary is so they can pay everyone different amounts, i. I don't like anyone at my work, I have nothing in common with them. I’m leaving town for a while soon, and I’m conflicted on the way forward with us. co-worker admitted he's jealous of my choice. He seems like a good dad, involved, caring, seems like a nice guy, though I have to admit that I don't know him that well. Let this be a lesson 😔. Ever since I decided that I would not always put my personal relationships over work, and pray that they don’t take it personally. Focus on friends, hobbies, and your actual tasks at work rather than worrying about what your co-worker and his possible gf are doing. i have a female coworker and i’m fully convinced she has a crush on me. The closest I have gotten was when a coworker suggested that a 3 yo in our daycare was bipolar because he is very textile sensitive, has trouble sharing attention, and holds screaming tantrums still over control things like being told to clean up toys or finish lunch or ADMIN MOD. My co worker who moved up, so that's why they hired me in the company and… She allowed a situation where her husband recorded a conversation with her and here friend (which she was fully aware of), even if I'm not giving her fault for her husband sending the video to her friends partner (even though she was aware of the partners demeanor), she then told her friend that the assault that happened as a result was her own Throwaway because he knows my username. NoseFirm. Someone sent my coworker an email saying "Can you please do action A, please be sure that you do not do action B in the process". my coworker was obsessed with me. And I was asked by my (25M) coworker that I was very attracted too, the feeling was mutual. Well, out of nowhere, my best friend told me she started crushing on him! And I had a thought, "Okay, I can tell her about my feelings, appear unsupportive of her and selfish. One of the bigger betrayals by someone who I thought was a friend was a fellow teacher. P. r/offmychest. I just started working at a small start up after a year not after covid. Well, over time, I pulled away from this co-worker to focus on a Now, with my coworker, he has confessed that he liked me. I asked her which one of us was going to leave because one of us had to go. Don’t let this shit change you or make you bitter. We're work friends but wouldn't really hang outside of work so idk if that counts. I was hesitant but he insured me “just friends “(as he had a girlfriend and I am married). 31. Tell him you have some feedback about co-worker X and walk through the issues you described and explain how the burden falls on you. At that time we were only having sex about once per month (it had been that way for a few Posted by u/StarbuckMackin - 2 votes and 3 comments Thanks for reading; thoughts, comments, questions, and advice are welcomed. Me, my best friend May (17F), and my co-worker Mike (fake names) have been planning since last week to go spend the day at a local amusement park. Long post. (Update) My 24M Girlfriend 23F Just Broke up With Me Because of Her Work Friends. So don't apply the same rules to them as you would to friends and lose sleep over why someone randomly dislikes you. But they don't bother me and I don't bother them. We've been paired up for a project and have been spending a lot of time together. Over the years though, I have built meaningful long term relationships with some co-workers. We have worked together for almost a year. No update as of yet because I think about decisions before implementing them. When I said the same my coworker said that I need to get a girlfriend. I thought she was my friend. They would react positively. . Give freely, don’t expect much in return, and if nothing else, I suspect you’ll be a much happier person. Everyone here has been so supportive and I’m have given great advice. So I would bring it the next time my mom asked. tatang2015. Keep your conversations casual and work related. We started hanging out frequently outside of work and got to the level of closeness that we’ve even exchanged spare keys to our apartments. Especially if you draw the line in the sand of where you and him stand. My very best friend was a co-worker for about 10 years. And a lot of people at work started to notice, and they started saying annoying shit to me and behind my back, for example saying that we talk a lot during the day, and if I’m It's completely normal and understandable to offer peer feedback on a co-worker's performance. You can and should be friendly with others. May kept complaining the whole trip that she was "third wheeling", since the fourth person in our plans, "Brandon", decided to very rudely drop out of Welcome to r/work! Love it or hate it, we're here to make the most out it. I have never met Kevin. She probably thought you were just being friendly by giving her gifts, but as soon as you asked her out, she probably assumed you were giving her gifts in the hopes of getting something out of her (a date). Coworkers are mostly just that, coworkers. r/creepyencounters. Update- I caught my wife with her co worker while she said she was doing therapy. Beyond just wanting to hookup, I saw something in her, and I do like her. 58 votes, 73 comments. " Posted by u/ticklemehomopls - No votes and 2 comments Love it or hate it, we're here to make the most out it. You'll probably get fired as a result. I saw them accidentally at the bottom of her gallery when she was looking for a picture of one of her pets. And she thinks that they cannot fire her with a poor performance on the job. it hit me She felt safe. Not make friends. Stand up for the new guys, and they will follow by your side. The farthest I have ever gone with a girl was a kiss. But here's the thing: this is r/work, not r/friendsadvice. However, I've never been tempted to cross that line because A) we work together and B) the age gap. So to make this short, i became really good friends with a co-worker, and I mean really close. My relationship with my female co-worker. I initially thought maybe they’re ghosting me because I’m just really annoying and they don’t want anything to do with me anymore so that’s it then, but every-time I got over our friendship they’d send me a message on teams either replying to my really old message or sending a “can you help me with this enquiry” message, bear in noregrets. I work in a team based environment so we all have to have each others back and look out for each other, well at least that's what I thought. L. I'm in need of some advice and I thought this community would be the perfect place to ask. I recently found myself in a confusing situation with a coworker. She happens to share a birthday with my coworker Mariana (18F). Also, we started couples therapy in September, so it hasn't been that long. I found out the hard way that people who I thought were my friends, used my personal life to discredit me or impede my upward mobility. 5. We’d have some smart banters, and what not, went for drinks as a group. She doesn't owe you an explanation. Coworkers are not your friends. You are a friend by circumstance you hate work. Me and my other coworker (47m) were talking about a guy at our cafeteria that is very touchy with girls , he always asks for hugs to the point that When I shared with my friend, he said that I’m just being lazy. They haven't met the guy, but I've mentioned him in passing to them. I asked her again which one of us was leaving and then she began yelling again. That being said, despite my professional and ADMIN MOD. Show that comparison to your manager and show him the outcome and ask if that is what they are looking for. I brought up the trip to some of my (female) friends from my hometown (over a thousand miles away) in our most recent chat. She was constantly touching me anytime she could get the chance and was always smiling and trying to get my attention, I decided to let her know that I liked her, I believed the feeling was mutual but when I told her she quickly said im going to pretend like you never said I (33m) first met my coworker (late-20s f) in a departmental meeting in spring this year. In terms of title he is higher than me and he picked me as his right sideAll went good and we were making progress, my boss was very satisfied on me and my I (27F) and my coworker + friend (24F) work at a bank. My GM, who’s cool, and my parents, a friend, and a brother think it’s a bad idea bc of her past. 2. The 1:1s just never really worked out, but he did try on a work trip. consciousVerse. I keep my personal and professional lives separate for good reason. I thought I should be very clear with him. Report her to HR, or her supervisor. And maybe we can fuck this system along the way. I will refer to her as Kelsey. My friend does not embellish or exaggerate heavily so I trust that as ludicrous as this Kevin seems, what he said is the truth. I (37M) caught my wife Cass (32F) were married in 2018. Going through the same. They say you're jealous. So i joined this company a while ago. We’re friends at work but he seeks me out more than anyone, teases me, pays a lot of attention to me. The main reason why your coworkers aren't your friends is because yall haven't connected on a personal level yet and had that connection tested. We were really close - not just coworkers, but some of us were housemates and bridesmaids and things like that. Instead, understand why your coworker did that petty shit and learn from it. I was so confident in this that, one day, I laughingly mentioned that I used to have a crush on him when we first met. We spent almost every weekend together, participated in events together, etc. They thought I'm not good enough and out of her league. towards the end of the year, i had just gotten out of a two year relationship. But I shared too much too soon about my personal life and a few of those women not only judged me but also shared personal details with others. Reply reply. Just concentrate on what you have to do to keep your job. My coworker cry yesterday because a conversation I had with another coworker. Even a video recording of me in my car and him standing (far-ish away) in front of it, glancing at me every 30 or so seconds. First time I saw her I thought she was really pretty. Obviously I don’t want to raise the issue with her as I don’t want to ruin a good thing. If you think this won't or doesn't happen all the time, you're in for an eye awakening experience. And again, if you're worth it, you'll get it. I didn't swear or threaten her. Didn't ask for it back because no biggie even though I'm pretty… We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. Two years ago, we quickly became close friends due to common interests. Never mention depression to normal people. On Monday, the new team member (Megan’s best friend) asks why she wasn’t invited to the party and says that my bf invited Megan. If she refuses to talk about it then just go about your normal day bc this is her issue. We aim to keep this a safe space. Half never talk, and the other are all too loud and obnoxious you can't get a word in. Edited with names so it's easier to read. He was romantically interested in me the night before (we have long conversations afterwork) and I too found him attractive. Now people avoid you at work. Actually, you should 100% talk to coworkers about how much you make. She was shy at first to everyone, but me and her and some of my other coworkers all had a good conversation today. Hence me raising the issue with strangers from the interweb. Confused about my feelings for a coworker. And if politics is her reason for disliking you, well, then maybe it's better that she avoids you since people like that can get petty and make your work life harder. I’ve loaned her money, bough her food when she didn’t have any, and even defended her on multiple occasions. Anyone short of money who would rather sleep the day away is not someone you should even speak to. Just by the way you wrote it, it seems like you intend to pursue her romantically, despite knowing she's with someone. We're working together once again, and in the same department this time. Some new guys will quit immediately. Before quarantine, when my mom was particularly proud about something that she cooked, she’d ask me to bring it to school and have my friends try. Hello, I (27f) just lived a very awkward situation yesterday. I probably would have done the same. I started to listen. I also thought it was “safe” since he was married with a family, and would post pictures on social media all the time. Why can't your workers be your workers, your friends be your friends, and your family be your family. One of my colleagues (m) is in his mid 50's, father of two. I help you at 5:00 AM, spend 30$ when you have money to help you get it done quicker. While I was driving away, I probably should’ve pulled over at some point because I was hyper ventilating and couldn’t Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! I Slept With My Coworker, Only Slept. Long story short, my bf lied about that. from mid-late 2018, i worked at a grocery store/deli, and i worked in the deli/bakery area. We had a clingy coworker we had to completely cut out cuz when u gave her an inch as a friend she wanted to take the whole god damn road. Depends on if you will read the posts now you found it. I have a tendency to think that people are talking about me even if there not. Update- I would like the thank Reddit and the community. Over two years at my last job, a natural friendship budded with a coworker. I (27F) and my coworker + friend (24F) work at a bank. They call you a rat. My coworker is an intern. • 2 yr. They came out in some ugly ways with some of the other staff in the office. There was once I was getting some water from the kitchen, and she was just standing One idea would be to get her something that is food-related and could pair well with drinking wine. A better choice will come along in time. The situation sucks - I know. One other person says you talk about them too. We haven't mentioned it to our other coworkers, and for some reason, he's been pretty adamant about not letting news of the trip spread around the office. These are two separate roles, and it doesn't matter that they happen to overlap in the same single body. It was tolerated because his work was solid. Tldr; I [27/f] left a sort of broken relationship with my bf [26/m] after sleeping with a coworker [47/m]. It also made me uncomfortable to know that he asked my coworker if I had a meeting after lunch, then came up to my desk an hour after he talked to her, to ask me if I had a meeting after lunch. I once thought my indirect boss (dotted line) really just respected my work. TLDR; I recently discovered my wife has been in contact with a coworker that she had previously been in an affair with. Management keep sending in people who has TIFU by asking my coworker for a date. Your co-worker is a bum and is undeserving of your consideration. However, we do sit at nearby cubicles when we go in (unplanned). If you don’t know that Jim who started last week with less experience than you is making $5K more than you do Finding out whether she was single or not from a mutual coworker, such as your best friend, would've been the first thing to do. • Cheese knives set (1-2 knives) & some cheese. ADMIN MOD. e. TLDR: My (F35) husband (M35) snapchats with female coworker (F24) daily. Last night I offered one of my coworkers a ride home after work. And realized that they were making fun of me. Mind your business and find someone unavailable. lavenderandsage222. • A local jam set or honey set – check a local farm gift shop or farmer’s market. My (20F) coworker (17F) has several pictures of me as a young child saved to her phone. • Charcuterie board. Doing it publicly was just an underhanded way of trying to shame you into her friend and for sure that is NOT someone you wanna open up to AT ALL. I caught my wife with her co worker while she said she was doing therapy. He would ask about my plans for the weekend. I wouldn’t mind competing with a friend for a promotion (if I had to) and giving it my all, even shoot down their ideas or take a position that they covet if I had to. Swearing at me and threatened to punch me. It's a natural process that takes time. vrgnmobile. They really do think their bouts of sadness and boredom is depression. In most work environments you are in competition with your colleagues to remain employed. My boss was so nice and everyone was so nice, they let me go home when I asked. here’s why she offers to do the horrible jobs so i don’t have to do them, such as mopping or changing poo nappies (we work with children) she always gets in my personal space and gives me little touches In my experience it isn’t a normal thing for former co-workers to always talk about how much they miss working with each other and how badly they want to find a way to work together again. This turns into a whole thing because at this point it is disruptive to my day-to-day that my coworker is exposing my bf’s white lies to me every other day in the office. Every time, they reacted positively. Has sent a questionable tiktok to her. A sweet server asked me if I was okay. I’ve turned in 3, extremely detailed, statements (Feb, April, May). They will most likely unintentionally insult you with a stupid response. TIFU when I (24m) offered my coworker (18f) a ride home. I did not like his behavior. For example, there are <$10 versions or thrift store versions of. Struggling with virtually every other relationship and aspect of my life, I'm really getting into this fling. The first time I travelled interstate for work the only time my coworker and I were apart was for toilet breaks, showers and when we were asleep. I have a coworker that I thought was my friend. I feel guilty or bad alittle but for crying and causing a For this reason, and reason alone, it's most certainly in your best interest NOT to tell your co-worker in the event they do not take the news well and divulge that you told them in advance. You can be anonymous if desired. Everyone is so toxic and there is 0% trust. -Ed Truck (R. Last night he said I cheated on him, and hasn't spoken to me since. I've (23f) been in a relationship with a man (25m) who I love very much for 3 years and would never hurt intentionally. After leaving work together I mustered the courage to try to ask him out. I totally understand it is annoying and a little creepy to be the subject of this kind of attention. • 4 yr. Friends from school, family, friends of friends, friends of significant others, maybe neighbors, going to a somewhat social place regularly (gym, trivia nights, church, whatever). I always leave as soon as I get the chance, so I suspect that my coworkers thought I was already gone. Forgot the cardinal rule for my first week and probably joked too much. That’s how capitalism spreads. It was a work betrayal, and it taught me a lesson about the difference between co-worker friends and real friends. Like, I liked him first, he's mine! Or, I can not say anything and help her get his attention and see if they can be happy. I have never been in a relationship and am still a virgin. Everything is work related type situations so when that goes away, there's nothing else. But, there's no need to risk it. She wanted to come back and I got her her job back. This happened to me as well, and my closest coworkers didn't even reach out. Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. ago. We were two crazy people in our office. I am a 24 year old male and currently work part time in a retail store. About 18 months (?) ago she suggested that we try being polyamorous. People work to make money. I was pretty angry at her for even making the suggestion. Just have to keep my head down from now on. I am obsessed with my coworker. (I guess I didn’t collect myself as well as I thought I did) the tears just started flowing. A friendly reminder that coworkers are not your friends!!!! Truer words have never been spoken. Anyway, we got into a bit of small talk before a virtual meeting recently and he made sure that People like that done even take hints. She went outside and called our supervisor who advised her to leave but she came back in. A few months ago she walked out on her job. I told her I would like to just move on and this won’t effect my work. Tell her to stop the affair and spend that effort rebuilding her marriage by talking to her husband and potentially counseling to get it fixed. I will probably update tomorrow or Sunday. I don't think she meant for me to see them, especially with the way she exited out of the app so quickly. Those with big egos who see someone else deliver a successful project that brings in money Be careful how you act/what you say out in the corporate world. Work friends, mind you, not real friends. Only 50% of this is really the target of r/work, and frankly, it's super clear that the answer there is "get the frig outta there". Work, neighbors,gym, hobbies etc. We spent an easy 16-17 hours a day together. Reply. I (29F) have a coworker (55M) who I suspect has feelings for me. Today, however,we were talking generally about online dating with another coworker of ours. I really thought he was interested because it seems like he enjoys talking to me. Absolutely. If it was you, it may hurt, but you would want to know. 1. OP's husband just sounds like he has (had) a decent working relationship with the coworker. We would tall everyday. 3. I would honestly give them some space for a few weeks and then reach out if they want to talk over coffee or lunch. Office relations. . It seemed as though he wanted to catch me in a lie. Said coworker did ONLY action B. Talk to the original team members, gather your data from before and compare it with the data after it was introduced to the this guy's influence. Let her get caught and she will be gone. If you will "check in" on the coworkers Reddit please tell them. I have written statements from 3 coworkers that have witnessed the behaviors toward me. An attractive intern, not gonna lie. To my utter astonishment, he says that he had a crush on me too, but he thought I was out of his It doesn't matter why. I overheard a group of them laughing. •. I (20M) have been dating my girlfriend/bestfriend Cindy for a few months and her birthday was the 3rd. If you plan on leaving the account alone (which I think is the better thing to do) dont mention it imo. You were very good to surrender half your shift to her and most noble to offer a ride AND your full shift. It sucked, but I learned that fellow teachers (like on the same team/grade-level) really don't make great actual friends. PERSONAL. This is going to be a long post, so if anyone takes the time to read though it all, I want to thank you in advance. Anyway, if you want to 'rectify' the issue ASAP, then just go in your boss' office tomorrow and ask for a raise. There are no allegiances in the corporate world. I have a lot of social anxiety. Moral to the story, no good deed goes unpunished! 1. Pull your manager aside during your next 1-on-1 meeting. yx nf hx dw nr eg hw xa rh mr